Quotes from Robin Williams movies and TV shows - page 6 of 10

Ramon: You know, chica chica boom boom boom boom boom.
Mumble: You are not interested in chicas?
Raul: You kidding?
Ramon: Without us, the chicas got no boom!

Ramon: Just a moment. I hear people wanting something... ME!

More Happy Feet quotes

Hook: Prepare to die, Peter Pan!
Peter: To die would be a grand adventure!
Hook: Death is the only adventure you have left!

[Tootles is searching under a cabinet.]
Tootles: Lost, lost, lost.
Peter: Lost what, Tootles?
Tootles: I've lost my marbles.
Peter: [To himself] OK.

Shoe-Stealing Pirate: I fancy them shiny shoes for my booty!
Peter: Well, I think you can get them at Armani.

Wendy: Boy, why are you crying?
Peter: I don't know. A tear for every happy thought.

More Hook quotes

Pappass: Do you ever miss your dad?
Tommy Warshaw: All the time.
Pappass: Want mine?
Tommy Warshaw: No thanks.

Pappass: Places change like people change.

Pappass: I'm not retarded anymore.
Tom Warshaw: Oh really?
Pappass: Really.
Tom Warshaw: When did that happen?
Pappass: Aww, 1984. Sometime in the spring. I went from retard to mentally handicapped. And then in 1987-88, I went from handicapped to challenged. I changed again. I'm probably changing right now, you know. Who knows what I'll be next?

Pappass: If you make a wish and don't tell nobody, it could come true.

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More Jumanji quotes

Reverend Frank: By the power of God and the minister of National Security and Justice of Ocho Rios, Jamaica... I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Ben Murphy: Hey, can I ask you a question?
Reverend Frank: Sure.
Ben Murphy: When did you really know that we were ready to get married?
Reverend Frank: The moment you told Joel that Sadie wasn't a fish, I knew it was meant to be. Besides, anybody who kicks a reverend's ass for his woman, you're A-okay in my book.

More License to Wed quotes

Tom Dobbs: If Mama Cass had shared a lunch with Karen Carpenter, both would still be alive today... What do I think of gay marriage? I believe gays have every right to be just as miserable as the rest of us.

Tom Dobbs: Freedom of religion means practicing any religion you want, anytime and anywhere you want. Like being a Jewish Buddhist: all you do is sit and wait for stuff to go on sale.

Tom Dobbs: If you tell a bad joke, you can put a laugh track over it - but the joke's still not funny.

Tom Dobbs: HMOs will pay for your Viagra, but they won't pay for your glasses. So you can have a hard-on, but you can't see where to put it.

Tom Dobbs: You can't spend $200 million running for office without owing something to somebody. Those who can't afford lobbyists have no advocate. The Statue of Liberty says, "Give me your tired, your poor." Government says, "Give me your wealthy, your gifted, your endowed."

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