Quotes from George C. Scott movies and TV shows

Juror #3: It's one of those open and shut things. They proved it ten different ways.

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John Russell: It's my understanding... that there are, uh... twenty-three students registered... for this series of lectures on advanced musical form. Now, we all know it's not raining outside, and unless there's a fire in some other part of the building that we don't know about, there's an awful lot of people here with nothing better to do.

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Alpha: Fa.
Dr. Jake Terrell: Well Fa... you've had quite a day, haven't you?

More Day of the Dolphin quotes

Kinderman: Are you Damien Karras?
Patient X: Aah, you haven't any medical records for him, have you? No tedious fingerprints?

Kinderman: This I believe in... I believe in death. I believe in disease. I believe in injustice and inhumanity, torture and anger and hate... I believe in murder. I believe in pain. I believe in cruelty and infidelity. I believe in slime and stink and every crawling, putrid thing... every possible ugliness and corruption, you son of a bitch. I believe... in you.

More The Exorcist III quotes

Fast Eddie: You saw me beat Minnesota Fats for eighteen thousand dollars.
Bert Gordon: Look, you wanna hustle pool, don't you? This game isn't like football. Nobody pays you for yardage. When you hustle you keep score real simple. The end of the game you count up your money. That's how you find out who's best. That's the only way.

Bert Gordon: I don't think there's a pool player alive shoots better pool than I saw you shoot the other night at Ames. You got talent.
Fast Eddie: So I got talent. So what beat me?
Bert Gordon: Character.

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General George S. Patton Jr.: There's never been a better chance of producing a war in Europe than we have right now... WIth the German troops I'm holding and my own men, I can push the Russians all the way back to Moscow.

More The Last Days of Patton quotes
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