9th Jul 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)

Corrected entry: In the movie, Moore states that on September 12th, 2001, the day after the September 11th attacks, that the U.S. government "secretly" flew the Bin Laden family out of the U.S. when the all flights were grounded. However, this is not true. The Bin Laden family was flown out of the U.S. for their own safety on September 15th, 2001, all all domestic flights were allowed to resume normal operations. Also, Moore states that the Bush family has close ties with the Bin Laden family. But what he does not mention is that the Bin Laden family had severed ties with Osama Bin Laden many, many years ago and has written him off due to his radical and terroristic behavior and ideas.

Correction: If one were to watch the film, they would see that Moore does in fact address that the Bin Ladens have severed ties with Osama. It's said that they officialy cut ties with him, but one of his experts claims that Osama was present at a large Bin Laden wedding only a few years ago, and whether they've actually cut ties with him is in question. He also does say that the Bin Ladens were flown out September 15th, he states the the meetings took place on the 12th to fly them out.


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