
2nd Feb 2006

From Hell (2001)

Question: Was Ian Holm using contact lenses, or did they do something with his eyes in post production? From the scene where Abberline asks about the Free Masons and onwards his eyes are considerably darker (a deliberate effect I take it).

Answer: His eyes are not just darker, his entire eyes are completely black. This was done by CGI effects to show that the murderous Ripper side to Gull's persona is taking over and is in control.


10th Aug 2007

From Hell (2001)

Question: In the film a specific group of friends are murdered as they are the only witnesses to the wedding. The women are watched and followed so the identity of each woman must have been known to the murderer or at least to 'special branch'. If they are willing to go to such lengths to cover up the royal secret then why is it that the french girl is murdered in place of Mary Kelley? Mary has bright red hair in the film and surely the killer might have noticed before he set to work on her that she wasn't the right woman? Or at least whoever tracked her down, they must have known which woman they were looking for so why didn't they realise that it wasn't Mary in the room? Am I missing something?

Answer: At this point the murderer (Dr. Gull) has been completely taken over by his insanity and bloodthirst, as indicated by his completely black eyes. He was not thinking rationally, and was even having hallucinations while carrying out the murder. He was absolutely, wholeheartedly convinced he was killing the right person and fulfilling his mission, so he never stopped to notice the details of her appearance.


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