
Corrected entry: In Mount Doom, Gollum bites off Frodo's finger to get the ring. In the next shot, you see Frodo holding his hand, underneath the blood, you can still see the ring on his finger.

Correction: What you can see is a reflection of light of the "blood" on the tip of the severed finger (and other points of the hands). But certainly not the ring. Even though it might look like it that would be a far too stupid mistake for a movie of that quality.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are standing in front of the entrance to Dimholt Mountain, their horses get frightened and run away with all their equipment save their weapons. Entering the tunnel, Aragorn suddenly has a torch in his hand. As it is not only a wooden stick, but a really big torch there's no way he could have hidden it in his clothes before. And it would not be logical if the dead living there kept torches for visitors at the entrance.

Correction: Since the peoble living in the Dimoldt Mountain have been alive before its only logical that there are still torches at the entrance of the tunnel - as one can even today find in many caves and tunnels for the use of whatever visitor may come along.


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