
Question: Does anyone know how the war between the Predator and the Alien began? Is there any story about it?

Answer: They're not at war. The Predators discovered the Aliens and realized that they make for excellent, challenging hunting. However, they could not morally sacrifice their own race to provide the incubators for the Aliens to be born, nor could they allow the Aliens access to advanced technology and spaceships (they could spread). So they found a world on the outer edge of the galaxy inhabited by technologically backward people capable of incubating Aliens and created an elaborate system of initiation rites for young Predators to test their worthiness. This and other worlds like it are the only way that Predators interact with adult Aliens.


18th Sep 2004

X-Men 2 (2003)

Question: At one point in the movie, Rogue flies the X-Jet. I noticed that this appears to put her in a state of heightened emotion, just like when she is draining a person's energy, and she has to be pulled off the controls almost like she is unable to let go. Is this a clue to how she gains her flying ability in the context of the movies? I see similarities between this the comic where she permanently gained the ability to fly from another mutant when, for some reason, she was unable to let go of them whilst draining their power.

Answer: Rogue doesn't know how to fly the jet. She's screaming because it is out of control and she is frightened by the spinning, which is forcing her body to one side. She can't let go because to do so would release the jet from any control whatsoever, a conscious choice not related to her powers. Rogue can't draw energy from things that aren't alive.


Answer: It wasn't another mutant, it was the original Ms. Marvel, Carol Danvers.

Answer: Rogue attained the ability to fly from another mutant. She accidentally drained too much and the powers became permanent. It gave her the streak of grey in her hair and put the mutant in a coma.

18th Sep 2004

Men in Black II (2002)

Question: I don't get the joke where K pokes his finger inside the alien globe and the little alien guys running away from it screaming, "All is lost." Can anyone tell me the meaning?

Answer: The tiny globe is an entire alien world. His small investigative action threatens to destroy them all.


16th Sep 2004

Resident Evil (2002)

Question: Can someone explain what the guys in white suits wanted with Matt at the end of the film when he was infected (Why would they want to contain him instead of treating him with the antidote?). The other question was with Alice (Milla Jovovich) what exactly were they doing with her and how come nothing happened to her in that hospital. Did the zombies just decide to leave her alone?


Chosen answer: Matt was infected with a T-virus from a second-generation Licker with human DNA (drawn from Spence). Umbrella has no other research project like him and believes that he may be useful for the Nemesis research strain (using the T-virus to create directed but monstrous mutations in humans for killing machines). Alice was deemed too great a security risk to release, so they experimented with a modified T-virus on her to create a more powerful soldier - she was under observation at the end. The zombies couldn't get into her room because the door was locked and don't have the problem-solving abilities necessary to open the door, so they went searching for more accessible prey. Much of this is explained more clearly in the sequel.


Show generally

Question: I know that in "Fool For Love" Cecily is played by the same actress that plays Halfrek. So, when we see Hallie in "Older and Faraway" and she whispers "William," when she notices Spike, is this directly related to that? I know that names are often changed when becoming a Vengeance demon (example: Aud-Anya), so is Cecily the same character as Halfrek?

Answer: Yes. Rocha confirmed that her characters are the same in an interview.


3rd Sep 2004

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Question: At the end of the film, why are the two 'goons' waiting for George Clooney and Co. nearby? Are they now involved with them as perhaps some sort of bodyguards, or are they just keeping an eye on him on behalf of the casino?

Answer: They have been assigned to watch Clooney by Andy Garcia because Garcia still suspects that Clooney had a role in the robbery. They're waiting for an opportunity to either gather evidence against him or simply beat him up some more.


3rd Sep 2004

Fight Club (1999)

Question: Why does the narrator say, 'Tyler, listen closely, my eyes are open' just before he shoots himself?

Answer: Tyler says that he was created because there were issues in Jack's life that Jack could not resolve. Revealing that Jack was capable of everything Tyler did, Jack realized that he didn't need Tyler at all anymore. He assimilated Tyler's teachings and knew that he was strong enough to stand and figure his way through life on his own. Therefore, he symbolically eliminated the Tyler personality.


3rd Sep 2004

Armageddon (1998)

Question: Who plays the cab driver at the beginning of the movie? He looks familiar but I can't put a name to the face.

Answer: According to IMDb, his name is Mark Curry. Check his filmography at


Answer: He had a TV show in the 90s called Hanging with Mr. Cooper.

1st Sep 2004

Toy Story (1995)

Question: At one point, Mr Potato head takes his various parts off and deliberately puts them back in the wrong spots. He then turns to the other toys and says "Look, Picasso". What did he mean by that?

Answer: Pablo Picasso was an artist famous for works with mixed perspectives and odd angles.


Question: If the Predators know that the Alien's skin won't be affected by their blood why don't they use the Alien skin as their armor?

Charles Fraser

Chosen answer: The trial Predators purposefully don't have access to Alien skin before they are dispatched to the trial. Each Alien has a fairly skeletal structure, meaning that it would be very difficult to skin enough Aliens to cover an entire Predator during the trial. Besides, they're not supposed to get close enough for the Aliens' blood to get on them - they're supposed to use the shoulder blasters in the chest.


Question: In one scene, the Predator is about to kill Weyland, but it uses its x-ray vision to look inside him and it sees something (bad lungs?) that makes it decide to spare his life. Can anybody tell me why the Predator at first spared Weyland's life and what it had to do with the x-ray?

Answer: The Predators have natural vision in the infrared range (they see body heat) and their helmets allow them different types of vision. The Predator detects something weak about Weyland's movements and decides to examine him more thoroughly with specialized vision. This reveals that he is dying of some lung infection. The Predator honor code deems that diseased individuals are not worth killing, so he pushes Weyland aside and continues forward. When Weyland attacks him, it becomes honorable to retaliate according to the code, so the Predator kills him.


31st Aug 2004

Alien (1979)

Question: Just curious,does the space jockey have any relation with the Predator and what is their history?

Answer: The space jockey is another alien race entirely. Since the Predator movies didn't even exist when Alien was released and there were no creative links between the two series until Alien Vs. Predator, it is safe to say that the space jockey has absolutely nothing to do with the Predators.


Show generally

Question: What's the name of that website that i was on that had a list of every episode of buffy. I can't find it. Please help me.

Answer: There are several different websites. is one that covers almost all television shows. Google will show many more results.


Question: Why does an alien pop out of the predator? Every time it was attacked, it killed it before it could get in.

Answer: There is one shot just before a scene cut that shows a facehugger leaping directly at the camera, which represents the Predator's POV.


12th Aug 2004

The Matrix (1999)

Question: I have wondered this for a while about the movie. If the agents know that Neo matters and needs to be killed, why don't they take over his body and let themselves die?

Answer: At first, the agents know that Neo is being sought out by Morpheus and his crew, but don't know why. The Machines decide to use Neo as bait in an attempt to capture Morpheus and gain access to Zion's codes. Later, when destroying Neo becomes the priority, he has already been removed from the Matrix and the agents can no longer jump into his mind's Matrix location to take over his body.


8th Aug 2004

Psycho (1960)

Question: Am I right in thinking that the absence of Norman Bates' mother in his life left himself to replace her, by dressing as her, talking like her and so on? Because the film says that sometime he was half Norman half Normans mother and sometimes all Normans mother. If this is true then who checked Marion Crane into the motel. Later in the film when Norman is in the police cell after questioning his mothers voice says Norman blamed her, so I am confused could anybody clear this up? If possible could somebody give me a full explanation.

Answer: Norman and his mother lived together in the house on the hill above the motel. Norman's mother was such a demanding, controlling, overbearing woman that Norman was eventually driven to kill her. The enourmous guilt of this action, combined with the strain he was already under from her treatment of him, caused him to develop a sort of modified split personality: in addition to the existing Norman, he constantly heard his mother's voice in his mind and even had conversations with it. As time passed, the "Mother" voice in his brain began to have some occasional control over his body. Thus, sometimes Norman was in control, sometimes his mother was in control, and sometimes they could "speak" back and forth within his mind. Norman checked Marion into the hotel, but the sexual attraction caused by her presence made his disapproving Mother personality manifest and kill Marion. Having dealt with the situation, Mother retreated and Norman cleaned up, not remembering. At the end of the film, Mother blames Norman for the crimes because she is once again controlling his life and not wanting to take the blame herself. At the same time, this represents Mother forcing Norman down to some corner of his consciousness or even destroying it altogether, meaning that it is unlikely that Norman will ever manifest control again. This is why we hear Mother's voiceover and not Norman's at the end.


8th Aug 2004

Dark Angel (2000)

Answer: Max's disease is specifically tailored to work only on cells exhibiting Logan's genome. No one else would notice it.


11th Aug 2004

I, Robot (2004)

Question: Did or didn't Sonny kill Lanning? If he did, how did he do it? What was the promise he had to give?

Answer: Sonny killed Lanning. Lanning had designed Sonny with the ability to opt out of the Three Laws when he deemed it absolutely necessary. Lanning forced Sonny to promise to do Lanning a favor, then told him the favor was to throw Lanning out the window. Forced to keep his word by Lanning's own programming, Sonny overrode the Three Laws and tossed Lanning out the window.


29th Jul 2004

I, Robot (2004)

Question: The rich guy was found dead. I don't quite understand his involvement, did he order the attack on Spooner? And I also don't get his wound around the neck, for a second I thought he was a robot, since it was a little odd and there was no blood.

Kirill Ostapenko

Chosen answer: Just like the earlier murder, this one was also caused by VIKI and the NS-5s under her control (they also attacked Spooner). He tried to protect the company and its profits by preventing any information about potentially unreliable robots from dissemination, not knowing the depth of the problem. VIKI killed him when she no longer needed his protection. The wound on his neck was from his throat being crushed by an NS-5, hence the fingerprints.


28th Jul 2004

Ghost (1990)

Question: Who is the lady who looks at Sam during the funeral scene? They meet eyes like they know each other, then she turns around, and walks through a grave stone.

Answer: She is another ghost who recognizes him for what he is and empathizes with his loneliness. They don't know each other.


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