
17th Mar 2009

The Abyss (1989)

Corrected entry: During the scene where Bud is falling into the abyss to disarm the warhead, Hippy states that he's 12,000 ft below. Just a few seconds later, Catfish says he's now at 17,000 ft. There is no time in between the 12,000 and 17000 ft that makes you think it's been more than a few seconds of him falling. It's not possible for him to fall 5,000 ft in just a few seconds. If it were, then it would have taken Bud less than a minute to get to the warhead. Later, Hippy says that it took Bud 30 minutes to get down there. So it doesn't add up.


Correction: The sequence is obviously not in real time. Just because the film doesn't make it obvious where the breaks are, it doesn't mean that they aren't there. It's sloppy editing, sure, but that doesn't make it a mistake.


24th May 2005

The Abyss (1989)

Corrected entry: When they are filling Bud's suit with the pink liquid and he panics, one of the seals says "we all breathed liquid for 9 months, his body will remember" or something like that. But this is incorrect. In the womb our lungs may well be filled with amniotic fluid but we don't use them to breathe at all, all the oxygen comes from the mothers bloodstream via the umbilical cord.

Correction: He's trying to reassure Bud that it's going to be alright - if he has to stretch the truth to do that, that's what has to be done. Bud would hardly appreciate it if Monk got technical at this point. Anyway, although not for 9 months, we do technically "breathe" in the womb. During the last few weeks before delivery, the fetus begins moving amniotic fluid in and out of its lungs. This matures the lungs and strengthens them for use once born. It also coats them with a surfactant that will prevent lung collapse when the newborn takes it's first breath. That is way babies are sometimes smacked or suctioned to remove the remaining amniotic fluid from their lungs (that was not expelled during delivery - especially in Cesarean section deliveries).


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