Jukka Nurmi

29th Jun 2009

The Shining (1980)

Chosen answer: The ghosts are real.


Answer: Both Kubrick and King stated there were ghosts in interviews so as they are essentially the creators I would say there are.

In all fairness, Kubrick, unlike King, leaves the existence of ghosts somewhat questionable. The whole thing can just as well be just Jack succumbing to cabin fever: he loathes his family, and the long isolation just pushes him over the brink. Wendy witnesses the ghosts, too, yes, but she could also be suffering from cabin fever, not to mention the stress of her husband finally going insane, and trying to murder her and her child. In short, the whole existence of ghosts is a lot more ambiguous in the movie.

Jukka Nurmi

Question: This has always been a question between my friend and I. Why does the T-800 take the sunglasses in the movie?In the first movie it made sense, to hide the glowing eye. Here it appears to serve no purpose beyond appearance. Is there any other reason beyond this?

Answer: The real life answer is because the sunglasses are part of the Terminator's signature look. The in universe answer is because they are a clothing item that will augment his appearance. He also takes a leather jacket he doesn't need. He would look perfectly normal with just the gray T-shirt but since the biker was also wearing the jacket, he took that as well.


Answer: By best guess, I believe it is because of the glow in the eyes. The mechanical eyes, as seen when the skin is gone, are glowing red lights and they aren't exactly dim. This could potentially shine through skin, or eye tissue, like when you hold a flashlight against your hand. In a dim lighting, like at night, it could be possible to see the glow of these mechanical parts behind the already thin tissue of the organic parts of the eye, and thus give him away.

Quantom X

That would make them very poor infiltration units, wouldn't it?

Jukka Nurmi

10th Sep 2010

Alien (1979)

Question: First, thank you to the individual that answered my question: "Why did they wear helmets in the first alien and not Aliens?" However, I am still puzzled though with my question: "How did the facehugger get through Kane's helmet?" The answer given was: "It secreted an acid that "burned" through the helmet." If this is true, wouldn't the acid still on the facehugger have burned Kane's face when it attached itself?


Chosen answer: The facehugger was apparently able to control how much acid it secreted, and it was just enough to penetrate the helmet without it touching Kane's face. It would need to protect its "host" in order to ensure that the embryo was able to fully develop before "hatching."


Answer: In the Alien novel it pushed its way into Kane's helmet using just brute force and not with acid.

The question was about the movie, not the novelization. And yes, in the movie the facehugger secretes acid: you can hear a sizzling sound as the creature latches onto Kane's helmet.

Jukka Nurmi

Sorry I was wrong about the Alien novel, it did indeed use acid to burn its way into Kane's helmet.

Correction: I've taken showers where all I've done is rinse off without getting my hair wet. Maybe that's all Alice wanted to do.


Correction: When you are washing your face under the shower head your hair is going to get wet.

Why? It's easy to keep most of your hair dry while still washing your face by simply leaning your head back.

Jukka Nurmi

Thank you. Another way is to keep your head and face away from the sprayer, cup your hands, let water pool in them and splash them on your face. Point is, there are ways to take showers without getting your hair wet. My hair is longer than Alice's was in this movie and I can do it, so why wouldn't Alice be able to?


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