
21st Mar 2023

Project Hail Mary

Continuity mistake: Atmospheric pressure is inconsistent throughout the book. Grace says Erid has 29x Earth's pressure (because of the 1 ball:29 balls Rocky provides). But all Rocky can measure is the Hail Mary's pressure, and earlier Grace said it was only 40% of Earth's (Ch. 7: "the entire Hail Mary is at that 40 percent pressure"). So Erid would really be 29 x 40% = 11.6 times Earth normal. Also, the Hail Mary pressure is sometimes described as "0.33 atmospheres" (Ch. 27), or "one-fifth atmosphere" (Ch. 16).


5th Feb 2023

Project Hail Mary

Continuity mistake: After the "adventure in acceleration" at Adrian, the Hail Mary is effectively upside down (Ch. 20). Then Grace gets "sick of living in the Poseidon Adventure" and rights it-meaning the storage area is at the bottom again. He goes in there to fix a leak, then "climb[s] back down and wince[s] the whole time." He should be climbing up or out, not down. Also, in Ch. 22, when Grace is in there again (finding Taumoeba poo), "Rocky calls out from below"-but Rocky should be above him, not below.


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