
Continuity mistake: When Sonya grabs Ermac with her legs in the final battle, pay close attention. In one shot, you can see for a brief instant that Ermac's mask has completely fallen down and his entire face is exposed, but two quick cuts later, his mask is suddenly back on. (It goes by quick so you have to pay attention, but it's very noticeable once you see it the first time).


Continuity mistake: During the Jax vs Cyrax fight, at one point Jax accidentally punches his arm into the wall and gets stuck. In the first shot, you can see dust or smoke shooting out of the hole, but in the very next shot, it all vanishes.


Continuity mistake: When Rayden says the line "What closes can also open again" in the beginning of the film, watch the background. For this one single shot, the top of the pillar behind him on the left is missing a square-shaped chunk. But in the shots of Rayden before and after, the pillar is totally intact.


Continuity mistake: When Cyrax's "tattoo" flees his body, it rips a small hole in the metal of his shoulder. A few shots later, when we see the hole again to see the countdown clock, suddenly it's much bigger.


Continuity mistake: During the Cyrax vs Jax fight, at one point Jax gets knocked to the floor and says "Yo, I take it this ain't something we can talk about?" If you watch, when the camera cuts from a wideshot of him landing to the closeup of him on the floor saying his line, he's suddenly in a completely different spot on the floor and the debris behind him is totally different.


Continuity mistake: During the Liu Kang vs Baraka fight, at one point, two more Barakas swing down on chains. Liu kicks them off the chains, and they simply disappear for the rest of the scene. They didn't fall into the firepits, as you can hear them hit the ground, nor would the fall have killed them, as they aren't high off the ground. They simply... disappear.


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