
26th Feb 2003

Deep Impact (1998)

Corrected entry: In the scene where the professional astronomer figures out that the comet will hit Earth, he tries twice to log on to email. The server is down both tries. He then gets panicky and makes a floppy of the data and addresses an envelope for mailing. Then gets himself killed while racing down the mountain to mail his package. This is stupidly wrong on several fronts. 1) A pro astronomer would be used to astronomical things happening very slowly. So he would not be in this big of a rush. 2)Being a pro, he would at least double check and probably quadruple check his data over more nights before running off to make the big announcement. 3) His first impulse was to email someone. Therefore he'd have to know enough about email to know that he could screw around with it all that night and into the next day and still have his data to whoever faster than FedEx and three days faster than US mail.

Correction: The submitter gives the reason for the mistake: "He then gets panicky.". People who are panicking will make faulty decisions, like rushing, not double checking data and not waiting for the e-mail to come back up. Yes, very bad decisions - but remains a character mistakes. As an astronomer he is trained to patiently watch the heavens, not deal with crisis situations.


29th May 2003

Deep Impact (1998)

Corrected entry: When the astronauts are getting ready to fly into the 'wolf' astroid, you can hear (and see) the time to impact being counted down. They stop verbally counting down, but if you continue to count you see that the nukes detonate over 15 seconds after they should have.

Correction: As discussed several times in previous "countdown inaccuracy" mistakes, the scene is not being filmed in real time. The camera cuts to the exterior of the spacecraft are occurring at the same time as the scenes inside the spacecraft; which alters the timing of the countdown.


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