
Question: When this movie was filmed, had George Lucas already decided that Luke and Leia would be brother and sister? If so, has he commented on the scene with their kiss?

Answer: It is unknown whether or not Lucas planned for Luke and Leia to be brother and sister when Empire Strikes Back was filmed. Early drafts of the screenplay make it clear that not only are Luke and Leia not brother and sister, but Darth Vader is not Luke's father. Luke does have a sister in these drafts but it isn't Leia, she is an unseen character named Nillith. At some point, obviously the script was changed to make Vader Luke's father and references to Luke's sister were completely removed. George Lucas has never commented on the kiss.


Answer: The Emperor knows that Vader is aware of Luke. He contacts Vader to tell him to kill Luke when he is found. Vader, however suggests he be captured instead and turned to the dark side. The Emperor questions whether turning Luke is even possible to which Vader states "He will join us or die.", meaning if he fails he fully intends to go through with the Emperors plan of killing Luke.


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