
29th May 2020

Halloween 5 (1989)

Question: Up to this point in the series (and even in the next film), Michael is portrayed as a remorseless killer with no emotions. However, in this one, he takes his mask off at Jamie's request and even sheds a tear. He becomes enraged when Jamie tries to touch him, reverting back to the remorseless personality. What was the point of this sudden, and brief, display of emotion?


Answer: Director Dominique Othenin-Girard made the puzzling decision to try and humanize Michael in this film by showing he still had some traces of emotion that could be momentarily reached. Thus when Jamie talks to him, he briefly recovers his humanity, takes off his mask and sheds a single tear. Othenin-Girard felt that this made Michael more frightening, because his evil was so great that even if he still had regular emotions that occasionally emerged, the evil inside of him would eventually take over. But it does kind of come out of nowhere and contradict the other films... hence this idea was more-or-less ignored in future sequels.


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