
Answer: It's never explicitly stated in the film. All we know is, he buried it after he escaped and before Red found it.


19th Apr 2015

Mad Max 2 (1981)

Question: It appears that the boomerang would have had to spin in the opposite direction to kill the blonde guy the way it did. Am I looking at this the right way or is my limited knowledge of aerodynamics totally backwards?

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: The filmmakers obviously didn't research the intricate logistics of aerodynamics of how a boomerang is thrown. It simply looked cool leaving the kid's hand and killing the blonde guy the way it did.


Question: How did Sweeney know Derek got raped? How and why would Derek ask for his old history teacher to come visit him instead of anyone else, like his family?


Chosen answer: Someone would have told Sweeney what happened (guard, nurse etc.). Derek would have called Sweeney down because he did not want his family to know that he got raped, because it might make him look helpless and destroy his image. Sweeney was really the only person he knew that wasn't a skin-head.


Answer: It's heavily implied that Sweeney, through his gang outreach initiatives which are mentioned in the police station scene, had a relationship with Derek in which he tried to get him out of the skinhead lifestyle. With the sexual assault and betrayal from his fellow skinheads being the catalyst for his skinhead "deprogramming", he called Sweeney because he knew that he wouldn't judge him and that he could talk to him about how his feelings about skinhead life had changed.

5th Mar 2015

The Dark Knight (2008)

Question: How can you die instantly from a small quick cut to the cheek?


Chosen answer: Because the camera cuts away before we see the slash, we don't know how ferocious the Joker cuts him. Mind you, the knife was halfway inside his mouth and it did seem like a deep cut, so he possibly died due to the knife slashing an essential artery or vessel.


3rd Nov 2014

Saw IV (2007)

Question: This question is also related to Saw II: when Cecil Adams is in his trap, I have a question about that scene. In Saw 2, we see that John tries to commit suicide after he knows he has a brain tumor, but the point is that I really don't understand if that suicide scene happens before or after Cecil's death. Because if the suicide was before, I don't see why he would want to die if he's getting a son and if it's after, I don't find that he looks like someone who already 'killed' someone. Can you help me?

Answer: Stuff happens in the following order: Jill gets pregnant, Cecil makes her lose the baby, john and Jill break up because of it and his resulting change of character, John gets Cancer on top of all that, John tries to kill himself and survives, John vows to "rehabilitate" other people, he decides to start with Cecil.

Answer: John's suicide attempt happens far before the events of the films and even before Jill got pregnant. After he survived he now finds out that human life is a privilege and seeks to 'help' those who have disregard for their lives. Cecil was chosen because he was a patient at Jill's health clinic who frequently had outbursts and lashed out. John knows he had a perfect 'patient' and so began his first test.


28th Oct 2014

Saw 3D (2010)

Question: What happens to Bobby Dagen after he fails to save his wife from being incinerated?

Answer: We are never told or shown, but it could be speculated that he was trapped in the building or died from his injuries.


How do you know that?

They don't know. They qualified their answer as being speculation.


Plus Jigsaw's games are normally set so that if you fail, you're not escaping alive.


22nd Oct 2014

Goldeneye: Reloaded

Question: In the original Goldeneye game, the first level (The Dam) has a part of the level that was left incomplete but originally intended to be accessible as part of the mission. If you stand on the dam and look out from the towers or the dock on it on the side with all the water with the Sniper Rifle's scope, you can see the unfinished area on the edge of the map left there. So I wonder is there any such similar place in the remake of this game as sort of tribute or something. A similar inaccessible area viewable by scope? Or an area that is accessible? Or anything at all?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: No. There is no such area in the game.


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