
Projections - S2-E3

Corrected entry: In the beginning, when the doctor is activated, he immediately asks who activated him. The computer tells him he was activated when a red alert was initiated. But then he finds out no one is on board, so there was no one to initiate the red alert at that moment. He should have been activated much earlier, when the crew was still on board and under red alert, even in a simulation.


Correction: But red alerts don't always have to be activated by a crew member, they can be automated warnings.


Fury - S6-E23

Corrected entry: At the start, Captain Janeway reveals that she has discovered Tuvok's birthday. Then she says it's not long before he hits the big 3-digits (meaning 100 years old). However, Tuvok was 107 when he infiltrated the Maquis and they've already spent 6 years on Voyager. Even if she didn't discover his birth year and was only guessing. Tuvok would not have replied with "indeed" but pointed out she is wrong.


Correction: We don't know whether they are speaking in terms of Earth years or Vulcan years.

Future's End (1) - S3-E8

Corrected entry: Future's End part 1 and 2 show no signs of a Eugenics Wars, which took place from 1992-1996, and devastated the planet with over 30 million deaths and led to Kahn ruling 1/4 of the planet.


Correction: Clearly some parts of the world escaped the Eugenics Wars unscathed, just as the continental United States escaped both World Wars relatively unscathed.

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