Brian Katcher

2nd Sep 2010

Forrest Gump (1994)

Corrected entry: When Young Forrest and Mrs. Gump walks by the Appliance Store and sees Elvis Presley perform "Hound Dog," that performance originally aired on June 5, 1956 on the Milton Berle Show while Forrest had yet started Elementary School, but when Governor George Wallace gives his infamous "Stand at the Schoolhouse Door" speech, the date that event occurred was June 11, 1963. So, there's no way that Forrest Started Kindergarten in 1956 and be in College already by 1963, especially with a below average IQ. Now, if I go off of the Jenny's date of birth off of her grave which was sometime in 1942 or '43 (I don't have the exact date), we can assume that Forrest would be the correct age when in college in 1963; that would mean also that Elvis Presley performed "Hound Dog" earlier than 1956 (more like 1949 or 1950, while Elvis would've been still relatively unknown at that point in history.).


Correction: It is a major plot point that Forest is slower than alot of people so begining school around 13 or 14 makes sense. it is also never stated that he was in kindergarden for his first day of school.

That kid was a lot younger than 13 when he started school.

Brian Katcher

27th Aug 2001

Forrest Gump (1994)

Corrected entry: In the scene where Forrest is carrying Bubba out of the jungle away from the airstrike, look carefully when Forrest starts down the trail into the open and the napalm starts hitting the ground. Several rounds land very close to him, and one even lands in a bush that he has just passed. In actuality Forrest and Bubba would have been crispy to the bone before they realised what hit them. (00:53:00)

Correction: The movie is a memory play so Forrest is telling someone all of this. The explosions may have sounded closer than they actually were. This would then be reflected in his recap of the story.

There's nothing in the movie to imply his memories are inaccurate. I call it a movie error.

Brian Katcher

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