Captain Defenestrator

29th Aug 2010

Torchwood (2006)

Answer: He might have requisitioned or stolen it from Torchwood London, or he might have been ready down below once it'd been severed, searching for "the right Doctor" and not knowing that the newly-regenerated Doctor was the one he was looking for.

Captain Defenestrator

12th Aug 2009

Torchwood (2006)

Show generally

Question: If Owen and Toshiko were already working for Torchwood's Cardiff branch before Torchwood One collapsed, what were they doing in London at the time of "Aliens of London"? Surely there must have been another medic in the region.


Chosen answer: As long as Jack's been in charge of it, Torchwood Cardiff has had a different agenda than Torchwood One. Tosh and Owen were there to watch for signs of the 10th Doctor, however, it was the 9th that showed up when the ship crashed in London.

Captain Defenestrator

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