Movie Nut

Picard: Space...the final frontier. These are the continuing voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission, to seek out new life forms, and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before.

Movie Nut

Encounter at Farpoint (1) - S1-E1

McCoy: How old do you think I am anyway?
Data: 137 years, Admiral, according to Starfleet records.
McCoy: Explain how you remember that so exactly.
Data: I remember every fact I'm exposed to.
McCoy [looking at Data's ears.]: I don't see no points on your ears, boy, but you sound like a Vulcan.
Data: No, sir. I'm an android.
McCoy: Hmm...almost as bad.

Movie Nut

Deja Q - S3-E13

Guinan: I hear they drummed you out of the Continuum.
Q: I like to think of it as a significant career change.
Guinan: Just 'one of the boys', eh?
Q: One of the boys with an I.Q. of two thousand and five.
Data: The Captain, and many of the crew, are not yet convinced he is truly human.
Guinan: Really? [Picks up a fork and stabs Q's hand.]
Guinan: Seems human enough to me.

Movie Nut

Relics - S6-E4

Scotty: [to Holodeck Computer] The Enterprise. Show me the bridge of the Enterprise, ya chatterin' piece o'...
Computer: There have been five Federation vessels with that name. Please state by registry number.
Scotty: [slowly] N, C, C, 1, 7, 0, 1. No bloody A, B, C, or D.

Movie Nut

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