
Question: Why did the exit randomly appear when the rooms converged? I much preferred the original's exit being a puzzle the characters had to solve, rather than just holding out, but perhaps there's a more clever solution that went over my head.

Answer: The nature of the original cube was a puzzle that needed solved to escape. This cube was more like a time trial you had to survive to the end of in order to escape. The appearance of the exit was not random however; the cube collapsed upon itself until it no longer existed in three-dimensional space, leaving the survivor standing in the area the cube had previously occupied.


27th Jul 2005

Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)

Question: Do the "participants" need to be in certain room upon 6:06:59? Am I right in saying if all the rooms converge, then as long as you survive until 6:06:59 you can make an escape?

Answer: Yes, as long as you are alive when the rooms converge, you can get out.


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