Jean G

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Revealing mistake: "The Greatest Enemy": Nasir stabs a soldier in the back through the wall of a thatched cottage. When he reaches through the wall and retrieves his dagger from the corpse, there's not a trace of blood on the blade. (00:44:50)

Jean G

26th Oct 2006

Robin of Sherwood (1984)

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Revealing mistake: "Lord of the Trees": Gisburne and his soldiers gallop into Sherwood, chasing Robin and Little John. In the background, to the right of the path, there's a large and very un-medieval concrete structure visible, jutting up over a grassy mound. (00:26:05)

Jean G

18th Oct 2006

Robin of Sherwood (1984)

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Revealing mistake: "Alan a Dale": Lady Mildred rides side-saddle. But when Gisburne gallops away with her, some shots reveal that the stunt woman riding the fast-moving horse is astride it full straddle. Her skirt is blown back just enough to see a brief glimpse of the stunt rider's real leg on the horse's right, and the fake pair of legs in side-saddle position on its left. For just a moment, the lady appears to have three legs. (00:20:00)

Jean G

14th Oct 2006

Robin of Sherwood (1984)

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Revealing mistake: "Robin & the Sorcerer, Part 2": To rescue Marion, Robin kills the bad guy by stabbing him with the silver arrow. A few moments later, after much writhing and screaming, Robin pulls the arrow from the corpse. But its tip and shaft are perfectly clean. Not a drop of blood in sight. (00:40:00)

Jean G

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