
30th Nov 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie while Cooper is hugging Jamie at the airport, Jamie switches the bag he is holding from his right hand to his left hand. When the shot changes, the bag is back in his right hand. (01:23:35)


30th Nov 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Scott and Cooper meet up with Jamie and Jenny in Paris, at the end of their conversation Jamie says "Let's go to the Louvre." When he says this his book is down by his side. In the next shot he has the book open in front of him. The shot changes again, and again the book is down by his side. (00:29:05)


30th Nov 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

Continuity mistake: When the four friends are walking to the Vatican, they have their backpacks on. In the next shot they reach the Vatican, but their backpacks are missing. (01:11:35)


30th Nov 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Scott asks the soccer hooligan where they are going (when they're on the bus), you can see that right at this moment the bus is about to pass underneath a bridge. The shot changes, but there isn't any visible indication that they passed underneath the bridge. (00:26:05)


30th Nov 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Jenny, Jamie, Cooper, and Scott are walking down the Amsterdam highway, they switch places from shot to shot. First shot we see is of their feet and you can see Jenny is on the left hand side in front, and Jamie is on the right hand side in back. The shot cuts and now Jamie is in front, left hand side, and Jenny is on the right hand side in front. When the shot changes again they switch shots. (00:55:15)


29th Nov 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

29th Nov 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

29th Nov 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Scott yells to Fiona that the leather jacket isn't his, the shot changes to Scott's father starting to walk over to Scott, and he's carrying a cloth in his hand. In the next shot the cloth has disappeared. (00:04:50)


29th Nov 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

27th Nov 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

Continuity mistake: When Fiona is dumping Scott, in the background you can see Scott's father walking over to the stand besides Scott's mother. If you look directly behind them you will see an older couple watching them. In the next shot we see a closeup of Scott's parents but there isn't anyone standing behind them. (00:04:25)


27th Nov 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

Continuity mistake: When we first see Scott's computer, if you look to the left of it you can see the corner of a book very close to the computer (I am assuming it is the dictionary). In the next shot the desk next to the computer is empty and the dictionary is further over to the left. (00:05:35)


27th Nov 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie, Scott runs over to Fiona and kisses her. She says "Congratulations graduate" and is holding a jacket quite high whilst her arm is bent. In the next shot, her arm is straight and the jacket is down by her waist. (00:03:35)


22nd Nov 2004

Eurotrip (2004)

Continuity mistake: When the group is at the dinner table in Paris, Jenny says "We can go to Denmark," and Cooper has his wine glass in his hand. In the next shot we see Cooper, and his arm is down with no wine glass. In the next shot, the glass is back in his hand again. (00:33:20)


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