
2nd Nov 2015

Gothika (2003)

Question: As many times as I've seen this movie, I don't understand how Pete comes to the conclusion that Miranda is not delusional in the end. We see him searching images of the tattoo she kept talking about, but I just don't understand how that would lead him to finally believe that she has been telling the truth. Can anyone explain this to me?


Chosen answer: It's not that he fully believed her, but after doing some fact checking on the computer, he would find it odd that all the "nonsense" she was babbling about seemed to be true. He was most likely went to the police station to talk more about her visions.

Answer: Also we don't know the full extent of what Pete saw on the internet. There may have been a photo of the sheriff displaying his tattoo. I always find it best not to question silly films like this too much (save that for deeper films) - I mean, we accept that a ghost possesses Halle Berry, but get hung up on how a man's internet search persuaded him to believe a woman he knew and loved.

Answer: He loved her that's pretty clear in the movie and probably didn't want to believe she was crazy so he checked things out and knew she was in trouble.

Question: Why does Alice dance briefly at the end after returning to the regular world?


Chosen answer: She is proving a point that she is not going to follow the boundaries of English society, the Mad Hatter futer-wagoned, that was where she got the moves. It also showed the crowd that she wasn't wearing stockings.

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