Phil C.

Corrected entry: Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli first approach Edoras, and Gandalf talks about the king's mind being overthrown. It then cuts to inside the Golden Hall, where Eowyn is telling her uncle about his dead son. She is wearing a gray dress, and her hair is pulled back on the sides. Then it cuts back to Gandalf and Co. riding up to the town, then back to Eowyn tending to her dead cousin. This should only be a few minutes later, as the group is still riding up to Edoras, but now Eowyn has on a white dress, and all her hair is down. She then goes outside in her white dress, and sees the group approaching.


Correction: The scene with Eowyn telling Theoden of Theodred's death is a flashback scene. It does not take place concurrently with Gandalf's telling the Three Riders that Theoden's mind is overthrown. The footage of Eowyn talking to the dazed and muttering King is simply to add emphasis to Gandalf's words.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: In the scene which Saruman is giving the speech to the barbarian horde telling them to attack the village, they are in fact a barbarian horde. In the next scene, as they're attacking said village, they've somehow become Uruk-hai.

Correction: The Wild Men were joined by Uruk-Hai in their assaults on the Westfold, but there are plenty of them still present in the attacks. Look more closely.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: When Pippin and Merry are in Fangorn Forest trying to convince the Ent to join the war, their positions in relation to each other change from one camera shot to the next.

Correction: That is because Merry and Pippin are both moving about - you can see Merry pacing back and forth during several shots.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Gandalf releases Theoden from Saruman's spell, Legolas punches one of Grima's henchmen who's coming up behind him, and you see the henchman falling away and to Legolas's left. In the next shot, there is no one behind Legolas except Grima.

Correction: The man falls back and to the left of the SHOT, but that is to Legolas's RIGHT, since we are looking at him from the front. The next shot is from behind Legolas, and it shows the man lying on the ground to the right and behind him - exactly where he should be.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: During the fight in Gondor (before Frodo and Sam were released), the camera gives us a bit of a view of the archers. One archer that is crouched behind a stone piece is seen dodging arrows that aren't there. Then all of a sudden he collapses onto the rock, although he was never actually hit by anything.

Correction: This is incorrect. The defenders can frequently be seen ducking behind cover, that's true, but that is common sense - they would only expose themselves when they were returning fire. The only defenders who actually collapse and don't move again are the ones who are visibly struck by arrows.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: Because the title of the film is very similar to a nickname of the World Trade Center towers ("Twin Towers") and their connection to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, director Peter Jackson considered changing it, but quickly decided against it because of fan opposition.


Correction: This was only a rumor. Jackson and everyone else involved with the production have stated numerous times that they never even considered changing the title.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: In the battle of Helm's Deep, why would the Uruk-Hai try so hard to storm the fortress gates when a huge section of the wall had just been blown up? That particular area wasn't being heavily defended.

Correction: Elementary strategy - divide and conquer. The more different places your enemy has to defend, the thinner he must spread his defenses and the less effective the defense will be at any of those points.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: It's the scene where the mother is telling her kids to get on the horse. Towards the beginning of the scene there is a guy standing there holding the horse still but when the mother is putting her little kid on the horse, he disappears.

Correction: Frame-by-frame advance shows that the man holding the horse is still there just after the woman calls "Eothain. Eothain." Immediately after, Eothain climbs onto the horse, after which there would be no need for the man to remain. He would naturally have gotten out as quickly as possible.

Phil C.

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