Phil C.

27th Aug 2001

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Corrected entry: When the guy from Al's Toy Barn steals Woody from the yard sale and Buzz is chasing him the car the guy is driving is blue but when he enters the city the car is yellow.

Correction: The car is actually aqua, or bluish-green. It changes color frequently from light blue to a greenish tinge to a slight yellow during the film depending on the color and brightness and direction of the light that strikes it, exactly as a real car that color would do. Mostly, however, it remains bluish-green.

Phil C.

27th Aug 2001

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Corrected entry: There is a massive car accident in the middle of downtown. This happens when the Toys are crossing the street to get to Al's Toy Barn. The toys are only in the store for a short time. When they leave the store, The accident is all cleared. An accident of the scope shown in the movie would take all day to clean up.

Correction: The toys arrive at the store very early in the morning (the store isn't open for business yet, and the Cleaner, who was told to show up "first thing in the morning", hasn't arrived at Al's apartment yet). By the time the toys leave the store, the color of the lighting, the increase in general ambient light, and the positioning of the shadows indicate that it's much later in the day. Much of the time spent searching for Woody (and the time the Cleaner spent fixing Woody up) was time-compressed - a common filmmaking technique.

Phil C.

5th Sep 2003

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Correction: The song does not continue "uninterrupted". The instant the needle jumps to the new groove, the music shifts to the instrumental theme from the beginning of the song - which is right where it should be since the stylus moved further out on the record. You can easily hear the scratching sound that it makes as it skips to the new location.

Phil C.

8th May 2003

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Corrected entry: In the first movie, Andy's mom is a brunette with long hair. In the second movie, she has short blond hair. Even if she cut and dyed her hair, her face appears entirely different between both movies.

Correction: Her hair IS cut and dyed, as is evidenced by the fact that you can still see the dark roots showing. As for her facial features, that's a matter of personal opinion. The structure and shape looks identical to me. It's likely that the different hairstyle makes the face APPEAR different; this is a common phenomenon that hairdressers use to their advantage.

Phil C.

27th Aug 2001

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Corrected entry: When Al finds Woody in the yard sale and tries to buy it, Andy's mom says it's a family toy and takes it away from Al. Then she locks Woody in the box where she's keeping the money. Al creates a diversion and then steals Woody from the box. Not only does Andy's mom not realise that Woody has been stolen, but she is not even surprised when at the end of the film Andy shows her he has fixed Woody. Didn't she see that the box had been opened and Woody had disappeared? Why wasn't she surprised when Woody reappeared in Andy's bedroom? Not to mention the mysterious appearance of 5 new toys that hadn't been there before...

Correction: We don't see any of Andy's mom after the yard sale until the very end of the film. It's reasonable to assume that she DID wonder where he went and was curious about how he turned up again. As for the "mysterious appearance of 5 new toys", once again, we never see Andy's mom's reaction to the new toys. She would probably have been rather confused as to how they got there, but we simply never see her reaction.

Phil C.

27th Aug 2003

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Corrected entry: When Woody and Jessie jump off the airplane and are saved by Buzz, you see that shortly after they get off, the plane takes off. In the next few seconds another plane comes in for a landing. The tire flies over the heads of the characters and then lands. It is impossible for a plane to be landing and stopping before the end of the runway where the other plane took off just moments before.

Correction: Depends on the runway layout and the airport layout. Some airports (LAX and Logan for example) have very long single stretches of runway separated by strips that crisscross them. The landing plane could have come down short of the "starting" point for the next runway but would still have plenty of space ahead to stop.

Phil C.

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