
21st Sep 2004

Elizabeth (1998)

Corrected entry: Although King Phillip II did send an ambassador to congratulate Elizabeth while Mary was dying, he did not propose marriage until a year later.


Correction: Artistic license is used here. The filmmakers are allowed to change facts around a bit to make a more interesting story (to have the ambassador propose marriage straight off creates a bit more tension in the story, as well as demonstrates the pressure Elizabeth was under to marry).


19th Dec 2004

1776 (1972)

Corrected entry: The real Caesar Rodney was nowhere near as decrepit as portrayed in the film. Additionally, he was not gnomelike, but was tall and thin as reported by John Adams in a letter to Abigail. Also, even though he did have skin cancer on his cheek which he covered with a scarf, he was not dying of it, and in fact, lived for eight years after the signing, and indeed until after the Treaty of Paris (1783) recognized American Independence. Rodney was actually suffering that summer, but it was from asthma exacerbated by the heat "in foul, fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia." Nonetheless, the reason for his absence from Congress was not his ill-health. As head of the Delaware Militia, he had been called away to deal with a Tory riot against Independence.


Correction: When the filmmakers choose to change the physical appearance, such as height and weight, of a real historical figure, as in the case of Caesar Rodney, it is a standard accepted movie convention. As to the matter of his ailments, the filmmakers do not claim this film to be a historical documentary, and as such, they are not obligated to be factually accurate. Chalk it up to artistic license.

Super Grover

19th Dec 2004

1776 (1972)

Corrected entry: During the alterations frenzy, Reverend Witherspoon states, "Nowhere do you mention the Supreme Being." and proposes the addition of the phrase "With a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence." While this clause actually is an addition to Jefferson's final draft, the reasoning, as shown in the film, is wrong.


Correction: This film is not intended to be a historical documentary. Although the film (based on the Broadway musical comedy) is based on real events and real people, some of the characters and events have been changed or left out for dramatic/comedic purposes. This is called artistic license.

Super Grover

17th Dec 2004

1776 (1972)

Corrected entry: The film opens with John Adams meditating at the top of the high bell tower of Independence Hall in the year 1776. In reality, the tower was not added to the building until some years later.


Correction: Independence Hall's construction was begun in 1732 and completed in 1756.

17th Dec 2004

1776 (1972)

Corrected entry: When the Declaration Committee is deciding who should actually write it, Robert Livingston declines because he will be leaving Philadelphia shortly. In fact Livingston was in New York at the time of the vote on Independence and did not sign the Declaration (although he was for it).


Correction: He may not have signed it but he WAS part of the committee to write it.

Corrected entry: The logo for the Flying Legion is a winged lion with a banner reading "Ille Caelum Fremitus." This is not proper Latin, because "Caelum" (sky) is in the neuter gender, while the adjective "Fremitus" (roaring) is in the masculine gender. The adjective must agree with the gender of the noun to be grammatically correct, so the masculine "fremitus" must change to the neuter "fremitum." The proper banner should had read: "Illud Caelum Fremitum" (That Roaring Sky).


Correction: The Latin is correct, it is the assumption of the translation that is wrong. It is "Those who roar to the sky" - Ille (those) and fremitus (roaring) are both masculine and nominative and match correctly. Whoever heard of a roaring sky? It's the lions/planes/pilots that do the roaring, not the sky!


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