
7th Mar 2005

Red Dragon (2002)

Question: Why did Brett Ratner bother making this film if, essentially, it's just a scene-for-scene remake of "Manhunter"?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: First, it's not a scene by scene remake - they didn't even use the same script. Secondly, the first movie was made with low production values, the star at the time had only been a bit player in a couple of movies. Since the movie of the second novel was a huge hit in 91, the third novel a hit in 01, plans for a remake of the first novel were probably put into motion before William Petersen made it big on CSI, which didn't even start until late in 2000. And let's face it, everybody wanted to see Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal again.


18th Oct 2004

Red Dragon (2002)

Question: At the beginning of the film, Will Graham discovered that Hannibal Lecter was the murderer he had been searching for. How was he able to do this? All he did was open a book and the word 'Sweet Bread' appeared on a page. Could some explain this to me?

Answer: The victims had particular body parts removed. Will saw recipes in the book belonging to Lecter for those particular body parts and made a leap of intuition.


Answer: It is revealed through a conversation between Will and Hannibal that Will already suspected Hannibal but had failed to act on his intuition. This combined with the recipes Will sees, that correspond with the missing body parts, highlighted in Hannibal's cookbook and the penny drops.

Answer: "Sweetbreads" is an organ meat (like kidney or liver)...he wrote it in the book as he most likely cooked it.

Answer: When Lecter and Graham were talking at Lecter's desk, Will went into a story about how his son's grandpa was showing him how to carve a chicken. When he showed him a part on the back that he referred to as "oysters" it caught his attention because he hadn't heard that before. Now a few moments later he finds the cookbook which referred to other parts of animals that can be used to make what they called "sweetbread." From the previous conversation at the desk it was safe to say Will was already somewhat suspicious of Lecter because of his analysis.

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