
Question: If the ring was trying to make it's way back to Sauron, then why didn't it do shortly after being discovered by Bilbo as was witnessed at the start of the first movie or by Smeagol at the start of the third movie?

Answer: Smeagol found the Ring about the year 2463 of the Third Age (the first movie starts in 3017). Sauron was still very weak, practically dead at that time. Then Smeagol was hiding in the caves underneath the mountains where the Ring couldn't even be sensed for almost 500 years until Bilbo found it in 2941. Bilbo took the Ring back to the Shire which was farther away from Sauron so that Sauron had to grow quite a bit stronger before he was able to "reach out" for the Ring.


Question: How are Elves born? Are they born fully grown or are they babies?

Answer: Elves are born as babies otherwise it would kill the mothers. The reason you see no younger elves has to do with the fact that they are "in decline" in Middle Earth. Arwen (Liv Tyler) is the last elf to have been born in Middle Earth and she is 2,777 years old at the start of the War of the Rings.


Question: In this movie, Saruman says that orcs were elves once, and were mutilated by the dark forces, but when reading the book I saw no evidence of this. What exactly is the origin of the orcs?

Answer: Orcs are believed to be corrupted elves, but it happened so long ago that they wouldn't mention it in the Ring trilogy. It would most likely be discussed in The Silmarillion.


Answer: In the books, Treebeard says something about Trolls being corrupt Ents, just as Orcs are corrupt Elves.

Brian Katcher

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