
7th Nov 2004

Mean Girls (2004)

27th Oct 2004

South Park (1997)

Good Times With Weapons - S8-E1

Question: In the middle there's a rather humorous song in what's supposed to sound like Japanese. Does it have a literal translation? I know that Trey Parker went to the University of Colorado with a double major in Music and Japanese, so it wouldn't surprise me if the entire song was just a long, dirty, sentence since he was perfectly capable of doing it. Anyone know?

Answer: According to the translation is: You have an awesome penis, I see the hair on your balls, Sounds like a baby monkey, No, no it's ninjas, "hey Hey Let's Go!" we fight, It's really important to "protect my balls", It's my bad "so let's fighting", Let's fighting Love... This song is dumb, it makes no sense, The English is bad, but it's ok, we do it all the time, "hey Hey Let's Go!" we fight.


27th Oct 2004

M*A*S*H (1972)

Show generally

Question: Can someone please tell me which season and the name of the episode is the one where Frank buys the two sets of pearl necklaces, (one to give to Margaret and one to give to his wife)?

Answer: Season 3, "Payday" is the episode.


27th Oct 2004

The Forgotten (2004)

Question: I need this answered. My wife and I saw The Forgotten movie tonight, and we noticed MAJOR MISTAKES. We literally saw microphones hanging over their head dozens of times. Let me repeat that...DOZENS OF TIMES. I have to know if this was on purpose, because on the net some say they saw the same thing and others said they never noticed it... It happened so often it was distracting... DOZENS OF TIMES.

Answer: When movies are made the actual picture captured onto the film is larger than what is intended to be shown in the theater. The projector in the theater is supposed to be adjusted to not show this portion of the film, however occasionally the projector gets out of whack and you get to see all the trash at the top or the bottom that wasn't supposed to be there. Sometimes when a movie is "panned and scanned" to fit TV screens some of this trash also accidentally sneaks in. It's the cinema's fault, not the movie.


27th Oct 2004

A Goofy Movie (1995)

Question: I have looked all over the web for the wav of the sound Goofy makes whenever he is falling, which he does at least once in every cartoon he is in. It sounds like 'yah-ha-ha-hooey.' I have never found it, so can someone point me to where I might be able to download it?

Answer: Took about 1 minute to Google this:


27th Oct 2004

50 First Dates (2004)

Question: Does anyone know why Lucy's father, Marlin, took pictures of the mural she painted before he and Doug painted over it with white paint in preparation for the following day? I can't think of any reason he would document that because Lucy was going to paint it again anyways.

Answer: Why wouldn't he want to preserve a record of all his daughter's art works whether she painted over them or not?


Answer: Because she draws something different every day and he wants to keep each one in some way.

23rd Oct 2004

Friday the 13th (1980)

Question: Maybe I've missed the reason, but why is the film called Friday the 13th? I'm sure there is never any reference to that date, so why be titled this?


Chosen answer: Just after the credits, there's a bank sign that says "Friday, 13 - 7:01 - 60 Degrees". Then the DJ says "It's 7:01 on Friday the 13th of June." and goes on to say some more about it and lists some other bad luck superstitions. At two other points in the movie, two characters (Ralph and Tierney) say "it's Friday the 13th". So there are at least four references to the fact that the movie takes place on Friday the 13th.


Answer: Sean Cunningham was the one who had an idea for a horror film called "Friday the 13th", because he really felt like it was a can't miss film title. He got with Victor Miller about making a horror film similar to "Halloween" and Miller began writing a script. Miller had titled the first draft "Long Night at Camp Blood", but he admits he's never been good at coming up with titles, so this was just a working title. Cunningham had called Miller and told him he wants to name the film "Friday the 13th" and Miller said "That's great. Unfortunately, there's no reason for that." To which Cunningham replied with "Stick one in." (Which is why there's a few references to the date in the film.) Cunningham was so sure of the film's title that he put an ad in Variety magazine in July before any sort of production of the film had begun.


Answer: Another reason is in the scene where Pamela is talking to Alice she mentions that today was Jason's birthday, Friday the 13th.

Answer: I do not recall any answer, definitive or otherwise, been given to your question. Originally the film was to be called 'Long Night at Camp Blood'. I have no idea why it was changed. Or why the new title was chosen. However the film is set on a Friday the 13th. And it is mentioned as such after the credits when Annie is walking through the town. On the radio, the DJ says as much.

Alan Keddie

Answer: After Barry and Claudette was killed by young Pamela in 1958, it then flashes white to Crystal Lake and words in the bottom saying "Friday June 13 The Present." Present means the year 1979.

Arfan Eka Diandra

18th Oct 2004

Red Dragon (2002)

Question: At the beginning of the film, Will Graham discovered that Hannibal Lecter was the murderer he had been searching for. How was he able to do this? All he did was open a book and the word 'Sweet Bread' appeared on a page. Could some explain this to me?

Answer: The victims had particular body parts removed. Will saw recipes in the book belonging to Lecter for those particular body parts and made a leap of intuition.


Answer: It is revealed through a conversation between Will and Hannibal that Will already suspected Hannibal but had failed to act on his intuition. This combined with the recipes Will sees, that correspond with the missing body parts, highlighted in Hannibal's cookbook and the penny drops.

Answer: "Sweetbreads" is an organ meat (like kidney or liver)...he wrote it in the book as he most likely cooked it.

Answer: When Lecter and Graham were talking at Lecter's desk, Will went into a story about how his son's grandpa was showing him how to carve a chicken. When he showed him a part on the back that he referred to as "oysters" it caught his attention because he hadn't heard that before. Now a few moments later he finds the cookbook which referred to other parts of animals that can be used to make what they called "sweetbread." From the previous conversation at the desk it was safe to say Will was already somewhat suspicious of Lecter because of his analysis.

Question: How are Elves born? Are they born fully grown or are they babies?

Answer: Elves are born as babies otherwise it would kill the mothers. The reason you see no younger elves has to do with the fact that they are "in decline" in Middle Earth. Arwen (Liv Tyler) is the last elf to have been born in Middle Earth and she is 2,777 years old at the start of the War of the Rings.


18th Oct 2004

Super Size Me (2004)

Question: Is there a list somewhere of exactly what Morgan Spurlock ate on each day? It seems that on several days, he ate more than a standard meal (you often see multiple sodas visible on desks, or he carries bags larger than a typical McDonalds' meal bag), which rather hurts the point he's trying to make.


Chosen answer: If you were going to eat at McDonald's three meals a day for 30 days, would you actually make 90 separate trips to the restaurant? I'm sure there were times that he got 2 or 3 (or more) meals at the same time and simply reheated them. As for the cups, I know lots of people with old soda cups on their desk and tons of them in their car. The crew may have had food too.


Question: Did the filmmakers gave a reason why there were numerous biblical references in the trilogy?


Chosen answer: The movies are about the coming of savior (Neo/Jesus), a war to end the world (Armeggedon), an evil force that enslaves mankind (machines/AntiChrist), etc., etc., etc. Since the Bible is greatest common point of cultural reference in Western culture, it would be extremely hard to make a movie with this plot without making a Biblical reference to some degree. Even if it had been made by Bollywood about Vishnu and Krishna, when shown in the West it could have had Biblical comparisons drawn.


18th Sep 2004

West Side Story (1961)

Question: Why did they use actors who couldn't sing in the leading roles? Wouldn't it be easier to cast people who could sing instead of dubbing with other singing voices?

Answer: People would not come to the theater to see Marnie Nixon despite the fact that she has sung the lead roles in West Side Story, The King and I, and My Fair Lady. They'd rather see that darling girl from "Miracle on 34th Street" again (or Deborah Kerr or Audrey Hepburn) than an unknown with actual talent.


Answer: Natalie Wood was more well-known. And Wood actually COULD sing, she just couldn't hit the high notes perfectly. In fact, she was told only some of her singing would be dubbed.

Question: Where are the hieroglyphs of C3PO and R2D2 in the Well of Souls? I have spent years searching for them, but have never been able to spot them.

Answer: Here's a picture so you'll know what to look for: They're not hugely prominent - they're to the left of a man and a dog-headed man, and to the right of a man in a chair. C3-P0 is facing left, reaching down to R2-D2.


Question: Where in the movie is the song called " Use Well the Days" sung by Annie Lennox?

Answer: It's not in the movie at all and is only included on the deluxe edition of the soundtrack as an extra.


18th Sep 2004

The Last Samurai (2003)

Question: Nathan told Katsumo a story about the Greeks fighting a much smaller army and ended up losing the battle. Can anyone tell me the story or where to find the details on the web?

Answer: The Battle of Thermopylae, see for more info.


18th Sep 2004

Evita (1996)

Question: What does the Latin chant in "Oh What a Circus" translate to? (The "salve regina" bit?)

Answer: As I recall they sing the English right after the Latin, but, in any case, it's a variation of a well known Gregorian Chant. The English from the movie is: Hail, oh queen, mother of mercy / Our life, sweetness, and hope / Hail, hail, oh queen / To you we cry, exiled sons of Eve / To you we sigh, mourning and weeping / Oh clement, oh loving one.


Question: When is this film released in the UK?

Answer: Look at the IMDB, where you can find out that the film will be released on October 15 in the UK.


16th Sep 2004

Pearl Harbor (2001)

Question: Why does Evelyn get a Purple Heart? As far as I understand, the only way to get it, is if you are wounded in combat.

Answer: From Dec 7, 1941 to Sept 22, 1943, the Purple Heart was also awarded for meritorious performance of duty. For wounds, "in combat" is much more restrictive than the actual requirements. Any injury caused directly or indirectly by a hostile foreign agency counts, including friendly fire if it was intended to hit an enemy.


Question: In the film, Jesus has several visions of Satan, beginning in Gethsemane with the snake scene. These visions are not chronicled in the Gospels. Is there another source, or should the visions be considered artistic license?

Answer: In addition to his own artistic license, Gibson actually uses several sources besides the Bible including St. Anne Catherine Emmerich's "The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ" and Mary of Agreda's "The Mystical City of God".


Show generally

Question: Not long after MMPR first aired (Say, 1994-ish) I heard a rumour that two of the original cast members of the show (Amy-Jo Johnson, David Yost, Walter Jones, Austin St. John, Thuy Trang and possibly Jason Frank) had gotten married. Is this true? If so, can anyone tell me which two it was and whether they are still married?

Answer: Unless 2 of the guys are secretly married to each other, the answer is none of them ever married each other. Thuy never married and was killed in a car crash in 2001. Amy-Jo has not yet married.


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