Cal K.

Corrected entry: In the cave scene, when Dan, Jerry, and Tom are caught in the rain storm wearing only their underwear, they decide that they must huddle together for body heat if they want to avoid hypothermia. A slow sexy song starts playing as they move closer and closer, and you see Dan slowly unhook his fanny pack and drop it to the ground. Then they're laying down "spooning" against each other, but when they suddenly pull apart and jump up, Dan is wearing the fanny pack again.

Cal K.

Correction: You see Dan pick up the fanny pack and put it back on after they jump up.


Corrected entry: When Tom, Jerry, and Dan get into the canoe and start paddling down the river for the first time, there are several instances where clothing continuity changes from shot to shot. First Dan pulls a mosquito net over his hat in a close-up shot, and then almost immediately it's gone in the long shot, but is back again a moment later. We also see Jerry wearing a light-colored denim shirt while they're paddling (over an aqua colored tank top) but then in a long shot he's wearing just the tank top, but then back to the denim shirt a second later.

Cal K.

Correction: This sequence is not meant to be in actual time, it's just supposed to be a collection of shots of them rowing down the river.

Sol Parker

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