
Question: In the book, Snape and Lupin look at the Marauder's Map to see that Ron, Peter, Hermione, Harry and Sirius are all in the Shrieking Shack. How come Snape and Lupin didn't notice the second/future Harry and Hermione when they were near the whomping willow on the map?

Answer: They didn't notice the second ones because they weren't close enough to the tree when they were focused on that part of the map. There are hundreds of dots moving around the castle and it is possible they were just missed.


Question: Do some Hogwarts students arrive at school before others? I ask because of the choir singing in this movie, on the first day of the term. Wouldn't they have needed at least a day to practice the song?

Answer: All the students arrive on the train, but it is feasible they took part or all of the afternoon on the train to practise. They also could have met a few times over the summer.


Question: After Harry wakes up in the hospital wing, Hermione was telling Harry that Snape said an incredibly powerful wizard could have produced the patronus that saved Harry and Sirius Black's life. Snape knew how powerful James and Lily were as witches/wizards so did he make the connection? Does Snape know that Harry made the patronus? even though Snape already knows Harry is destined to destroy Voldemort.

Answer: Snape woke up after the Patronus was conjured, only seeing the Dementors flying away from the scene. Harry nor Snape did not know who made the Patronus (it was Harry, even though Harry thought it was his dad) And at this point, Snape does not know that Harry is destined to destroy Voldemort. He did not hear the end of the prophecy and Dumbledore had not confided such information to Snape as of the end of the third book.


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