Matty Blast

Corrected entry: When David is pleading with Monica not to leave him out in the woods, he says, "I'm almost sorry I hurt Martin." The actor meant to say "I'm sorry I almost hurt Martin." Since David is a mecha, it would be illogical to call this slip-up a character mistake.

Matty Blast

Correction: David is being truthful. He is jealous of Martin and feels (correctly) that the mother loves Martin more. He cannot lie, so he must admit he's not really sorry he hurt him.

Corrected entry: Gigolo Joe tells David that he has enough money to ask Dr. Know seven questions. He then puts two paper bills into the machine, then a coin. Dr. Know doesn't appear until Joe puts the coin in. The mistake is that Dr. Know should have appeared as soon as there was enough money to ask any questions at all. How does the machine know in advance how many questions are going to be purchased?

Matty Blast

Correction: Given how sophisticated the artificial intelligences in question are, I think its entirely reasonable that the system 'watches' people put in money, and waits until they're done to appear and begin answering questions.

Corrected entry: If the whole idea behind the child "mecha" was for loving couples to be able to have a "child" despite not qualifying for a parenting license, how much sense does it make that all the boys and all the girls made by Cybertronics look alike and have the same name? It would make more sense for child mechas of all different appearances, shapes and races to be made (just like Mattel did with the Cabbage Patch dolls in the early/mid 1980s).

Matty Blast

Correction: That might make more sense to you, but the entire project was driven by William Hurt's pain at losing his son. It only makes sense that the first production run would fit his model, but probably was never sold because of the safety issues that arose with the David prototype. Different appearances would have been mass-produced in future production runs, and even perhaps accessorized like cell phone plates. And of course, parents can name the children anything they want to - David is the name of the product, not every single robot.


Corrected entry: Before Martin's father is allowed to take home David, he is explained the careful selection process that Cybertech had to go through to make him the ideal candidate to be the first one to adopt and test-market it (reasonable - this is a process all companies observe when a new product is ready for test-marketing). Then what happens? The prototype "David" breaks from eating spinach, nearly injures Monica with scissors, nearly drowns Martin, and causes so much strain on the family that they had to dump him along the side of the road. Just a couple days later, David finds his way back to the company and we see a bunch of "David's" in boxes, ready to be sold, and dozens more being constructed. Any kind of manufacturing company that comes up with a new prototype of a new product takes very seriously the data obtained from the studies of those test-marketing the product. Given all the problems, especially the safety issues presented by the original David, there is no way the company would go ahead and manufacture more without putting some serious time into correcting these flaws.

Matty Blast

Correction: The prototype David was with the family for some time before Martin came home, and was functioning optimally in that time. And all the other "problems" listed are because of Martin's jealousy and alienation of David, not David himself. From the company's view, David is functioning the way he should be, and the only element not factored into the calculation is sibling rivalry (which would not be much of a problem, since the Davids would be targeted towards childless families). Furthermore, the mass produced "Davids" we see later on may have been created differently with some corrections to these "problems", and not exactly like prototype David.


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