Jon Sandys

9th Dec 2019

Monk (2002)

Mr. Monk and the Voodoo Curse - S8-E7

Plot hole: The murderer planted the voodoo dolls after the accidents to make them look like victims and cover up her murder of her uncle, but none of that was necessary! She uses an untraceable poison on her elderly uncle to make it look like a heart attack. So if he'd died...they just would have figured it was a heart attack! No suspicion would have fallen on her anyway, the entire voodoo thing was just needlessly complicated and only exists for the episode's plot.

Jon Sandys

4th Nov 2019

Monk (2002)

Mr. Monk and the Astronaut - S4-E14

Plot hole: The whole plot hinges on Steve Wagner knocking the victim out for 2 days, remotely hanging her while he's in space, then removing the hanging machine when he lands. But keeping someone unconscious chemically for 2 DAYS is a hell of a feat. And unpleasant though it is, she'd be voiding her bowels over those 2 days, leaving a serious mess, plus all the chemicals necessary to keep her unconscious would be found in an autopsy.

Jon Sandys

30th Sep 2019

Monk (2002)

Mr. Monk and the Other Woman - S1-E8

Plot hole: Monk's led to the killer because he figures out that he "added a file" to the lawyer's filing cabinet, judging by the left/middle/right tabs being off. But this makes no sense on two levels - firstly why would he need to add a file? He was just replacing the real will with a forgery. He just took the old one out and added the new one, he didn't need to mess with the filing system at all. Secondly, he picks that one out because the tabs are offset, but what if the lawyer had just taken on a new client or added other paperwork? Then the tabs would be off too, but that never seems to be considered.

Jon Sandys

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