Manhunter mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When William Petersen is talking to his kid in the supermarket, the cereal boxes behind him on the shelves change between two shots. The items behind Kevin also change during the scene. (01:09:05 - 01:10:20)

Continuity mistake: When Dollarhyde is shot near the end of the film, he falls on the floor of the kitchen and a pool of blood spreads out from underneath him. In the next shot of his body on the floor, the pool of blood has disappeared.

Manhunter mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Graham uses Freddy Lounds to plant a story about the Tooth Fairy in the Tattler, Lounds places a tape recorder on a desk. A few shots later, the recorder is back in Freddy's hand, and he places it on the desk again.

Cubs Fan

Continuity mistake: After Will has been to see Lecktor, he is standing near a set of traffic lights with Dennis Farina's character. In the next shot a cigarette mysteriously appears in Will's mouth that wasn't there in the previous shot. (00:21:45)

Continuity mistake: In the original theatrical version, Graham shoots six rounds at Dollarhyde from a gun that holds five rounds. [In the Director's Cut, one of the shots has been edited out. However, this is still valid for other prints of the film.]

Cubs Fan

Continuity mistake: When Lektor calls the University of Chicago to get Will Graham's address, the receptionist tells him that it's 3680 Desoto Highway. When Crawford later tells Graham that Lektor released his address to the Tooth Fairy, he says it's 3860 Desoto Highway. (00:32:15 - 01:01:50)

Factual error: While using the phone in his cell, Dr. Lecktor asks an operator to dial a Maryland area code, but is then connected to the University of Chicago. (00:30:10)

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Hannibal Lecktor: If one does what God does enough times, one will become as God is.

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Trivia: Michael Mann originally wanted Francis Dollarhyde to have William Blake's "The Great Red Dragon" tattooed on his back, but discarded the idea after deciding said tattoo trivialized Dollarhyde's personal struggles. When Ralph Fiennes played Dolarhyde in Red Dragon, director Brett Ratner decided to include the tattoo.

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Question: How did Graham know that Dollarhyde was the man committing murders, and that he drove a van just because the home videos were processed at the lab where the latter worked?

Chinmay Hota

Chosen answer: He figured out earlier that the Tooth Fairy drives a van. Graham noticed that at one of the houses, the Tooth Fairy knew everything he had to do and bring with him and at the other house, he didn't know about the new lock on the door. He concludes that this is because the Tooth Fairy got his information from the same home movies that Graham was watching. Once the films were traced to the lab where Dolarhyde worked, it was easy to link them back to him as the only person who'd had access to both families' videos and also drove a van.

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