Night of the Creeps
Movie Quote Quiz

Detective Cameron: Corpses that have been dead for twenty-seven years do not get up and go for a walk by themselves.

Detective Cameron: I got good news and bad news, girls. The good news is your dates are here.
Sorority Sister: What's the bad news?
Detective Cameron: They're dead.

Detective Cameron: Zombies, exploding heads, creepy-crawlies... and a date for the formal. This is classic, Spanky.

Detective Cameron: You sonuva bitch. I already killed you.

Detective Cameron: What I'm going to need is your standard flame thrower.

Chris Romero: Detective, other than confessing to a murder, is there a point to this conversation?

J.C. Hooper: Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! Do you think it's taking the Lord's name in vain to say "oh my God" a whole bunch of times really fast like that?

Audio problem: When Chris and Cynthia are hiding in the little shed from the zombies, there was a scene where a zombie grabs Cynthia and pulls her outside the shed. As she is being pulled out she reaches out to Chris and screams "Brad, Brad" a few times. Brad was her boyfriend whom they killed a few scenes before. But she was with Chris and not Brad so she should have called for Chris instead of Brad.


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