
Trivia: This movie is based on the book "Flowers for Algernon." The Simpsons also spoofed this in an episode called "HOMR." (The one where they find that Homer has a crayon up his nose.).

Factual error: There's one scene where Charly's just woken up from his surgery. The next scene shows him working on a puzzle, and he has a full head of hair and no bandages. If he'd just got brain surgery, don't you think he'd still be wearing bandages or at least have his head shaved?

More mistakes in Charly

Charly Gordon: Marry me, pretty girl, marry me.
Alice Kinnian: We will marry at... quarter past Wednesday on the 74th of November, and our anniversary will happily be... on those days where we both remember.

More quotes from Charly

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