Anything Else

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Anything Else stars a demented, promiscuous and darling Christina Ricci as zany girlfriend Amanda, who teases and torments the hero, a struggling comedy writer (played by Jason Biggs) named Jerry who also has to deal with an insane and paranoid teacher, Mr. Dobel (Woody Allen). Danny DeVito plays Jerry's con artist agent. Like many Woody Allen movies, this one's in love with New York, populating it with wildly weird characters and full of his own quirks. Ricci chews the scenery with relish as she vacillates between being adorable and Borderline Personality Disorder, while Woody is, well, classic nervous and dithering Woody-as-Dobel. If you like Wood Allen romantic absurdist comedies, give it a go and watch poor Jerry get pulverized by his girlfriend and "mentor!"

Erik M.

Continuity mistake: At one point about halfway through the movie, Jerry Falk sits down in his apartment to translate his thoughts onto his laptop, sort of a mini diary, and the closeup shot of the notebook monitor shows he has typed up over 3 lines worth of text (at 18-point font size setting, no less). Then the next wider shot that includes the laptop screen shows he hasn't finished even the third line; not only that, the text is now in more typical (smaller) font size.

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Psychiatrist: Tell me about your dream. The Cleveland Indians all got jobs at Toys R Us?
Jerry Falk: Yeah. So what can it possibly mean? Look, I can't keep wasting my hour here describing lunatic dreams. I have a date with Amanda. I can't keep running around town on the sly and live like this. Amanda can handle it, but I need help. What do I do? I have to extricate myself from Brooke. It'll break her heart. She wants to marry me.
Psychiatrist: What comes to mind about the Cleveland Indians?

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