The Core

Factual error: In a few shots through the movie the gauges or screens displaying information, they use "PPI" for pounds per sq. inch instead of PSI. PPI is wrong it's always PSI. The first time you see it is in the scene when they just launch the ship right before they pierce the crust with Braz and Serge for sure.

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Suggested correction: They are measuring pounds per linear inch which is PPI.

Pounds per Linear Inch is PLI, not PPI.


Pressure is defined as force over area. Any force (i.e, pounds) over any area (length × width, i.e. inches squared or meters squared or...squared) as defined in 1961 if not earlier.


Factual error: If you are in the military, you will note that all of service dresses worn by army and air force officers have their U.S. insignia pinned onto their collars incorrectly. The insignia is supposed to be pinned so that the letters are parallel to the ground, not parallel to the bottom collar. It's a complete myth that movie uniforms are frequently deliberately incorrect to avoid prosecution, so that's not a valid reason.

Factual error: The view of the Earth at the end of the movie while the credits are rolling shows a sunrise line advancing in a direction that appears to be east south-east.

Factual error: In the manic pigeon scene in Trafalgar Square, pigeons possess neither the mass or velocity to shatter most of the glass panes they are hitting and smashing.

Factual error: When they land the space shuttle in the river canal, they are approaching too low, so the commander commands to retract the gear. That would be impossible, as the landing gear of a space shuttle is controlled only by gravity. The gear can't be raised again after being deployed.

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Suggested correction: The landing gears can be hydraulically retracted, per NASA.

Citation needed. NASA's website says "The nose and main landing gear can be retracted only during ground operations".

They're literally on the ground, hence ground operations.

Factual error: The shuttle crashing into Los Angeles is shown flying toward the northeast, from over the ocean toward downtown. Coming down fast, it turns slightly and lands in the L.A. river. As it's coming down, it passes over Dodger Stadium, which is north of downtown, not between the ocean and the river, and faces away. For the shuttle to fly from the outfield toward home plate, it would have had to fly past the city and turned around, which according to the dialogue it didn't have the altitude to do.


Factual error: At the end, the aircraft carrier is at flight quarters for SAR (Search And Rescue) operations. They would not let Rat, or anybody, walk around on the flight deck 1) without any protective equipment and 2) a civilian without some kind of escort.

Factual error: In the space shuttle reentry, the space shuttle should enter at about a 45 degree angle, not the extremely low angle they were using. The vertical speed was also wrong, as in both of those mistakes the space shuttle would have burned.

Factual error: When "Beck" and Commander Iverson are getting ready to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, a brief shot of his space suit flight badge indicates that he is an Air Force senior airman pilot. However Commander Iverson is a Navy pilot in the astronaut program, and Navy pilots have two totally different styles of flight insignia. Notice how his flight badges differ to the correct ones later in the movie.

Factual error: The ship, VIRGIL, is diving straight down from the crust to the core. Although the interior of the ship pivots to make the cockpit perpendicular to the descent, the ship itself is "digging" straight down so when people move from compartment to compartment they should be climbing up and down rather than simply walking back and forth.

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Dr. Josh Keyes: So what's this about then?
FBI Agent: We don't know. You have higher security clearance than us.
Dr. Josh Keyes: I have security clearance?
FBI Agent: Yes sir, we're just here to take you to your jet.
Dr. Josh Keyes: I have a jet?!

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Trivia: If you look closely with time-frame advance during the pigeon scene you will see a fish "flying" into a window instead of a pigeon. (00:08:35)

More trivia for The Core

Question: Why in this film should NASA and the military handle the operation? It is neither related to space nor related to war. Some institute related to geo sciences should handle it.

Answer: To put it simply: NASA's got all the technology and the people trained to use it, and the military is involved in every government project, not just acts of war. Also, the military has a vast and efficient logistics system making it possible to bring the major pieces of equipment together in the short amount of time available.


Answer: They could just hire a bunch of oil rig drillers instead if you want. All they have to do is drill after all.

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