Air Force One Down

Air Force One Down (2024)

3 mistakes since 29 Feb '24, 18:51

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Factual error: The pilot of Air Force One, a Colonel, gets home. His shoulder insignias are turned ninety degrees from how they should be. In the next shot, it is corrected. Also, the "U.S." collar letters are at the wrong angle.


Factual error: Secret Service Agent Miles salutes the President inside of Air Force One and has the other hand on her hip. Secret Service agents do not salute. They are not military.


President Edwards: You were still general. The military owned everything back when this factory was sold off, yes?
Rodinov: What of it?
President Edwards: I know how things worked under you. Anyone wishing to do business here had to pay you off.
Rodinov: The factory was supposed to remain open. They lied to me!
President Edwards: Now, you're just complaining that they're better crooks than you.

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