Bird Box

Trivia: Following the success of this film, Netflix had to release a statement begging views to not try the "Bird Box Challenge" that was sweeping social media and putting many people in hospital. A news article on the incident can be viewed here


Other mistake: For the most part we see Malorie floating in the boat going with the river. However, numerous times we see her rowing against the tide. Even blindfolded you would be able to tell you are rowing against the flow by the resistance on the paddles.


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Douglas: Every contact we've had with the outside has brought us death!

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Question: Why didn't they stay in the store with all the food? The one guy suggests it and they bring up the fact that some others are still at the house and will starve... But couldn't they have just used the car to go back and collect them and bring them to the store? Alternatively, why didn't they make multiple trips to the store to bring back as much food as they could? They could have come back, unloaded and then gone straight back out again (meaning the car couldn't have been stolen). By this point they knew it was safe, they could have even have just sent 2 people giving them more space in the car to load it with supplies.

Answer: After what happened to Charlie, they were discouraged from staying or returning to the store.


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