Black Panther

Black Panther (2018)

9 mistakes - chronological order

(10 votes)

Factual error: The ambulance in the museum robbery scene has the registration number LD59 QQI. In the UK Q is never used within a registration number, only as a prefix for particular vehicles, for example kit cars. The letter I is also never used in any part of a registration number as it can be confused with a 1. (00:19:07)

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Suggested correction: Sounds like this is merely similar to phone numbers starting with 555 or impossible IP addresses in films.


No, this would by like having a phone number start with 5Q5 and impossible IPs are valid mistakes.


Audio problem: At the start of the movie Black Panther gets shoes that are silent when he runs. Half way through the movie when he runs up the spiral ramp you can hear his footsteps. (01:00:00 - 01:01:00)


Continuity mistake: When Klaue is being rescued by Erik, the amount of blood from his face wound changes between shots.


Continuity mistake: Towards the end of the film: Killmonger is about to kill Shuri at the top of the mine shaft and Shuri is backing up. Her elbow goes over the edge, but in the next shot which is from over Killmonger's shoulder looking down at her, she is at least a foot away from the edge.

Black Panther mistake picture

Factual error: During the mid-credits scene T'Challa is addressing the United Nations about Wakanda's true nature. A Welsh flag can be seen among the other nation's flags, which would suggest that Wales is a separate nation from The United Kingdom - not the case.


Black Panther mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: When Ross is interrogating Klaue, there's a shot from behind him and we can see the bug on his left shoulder. When he leaves the room and talks to T'Challa, the bug has vanished, but reappears again shortly afterwards.

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: When Killmonger cuts a woman's throat, in one shot a spear is not red, but in the very next shot it is.


T'Challa: We can still heal you...
Erik Killmonger: Why, so you can lock me up? Nah. Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, 'cause they knew death was better than bondage.

More quotes from Black Panther

Trivia: The Winter Soldier makes a cameo in a post credit scene.


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Question: Did Erik know that Zuri was his Uncle James before Zuri told him he was the one responsible for his death?

Answer: Well he's not literally an uncle to Killmonger, but rather he saw him as a surrogate uncle when he was a kid because he was always by his father's side.


And yes, he did know.


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