Robocop 2

Continuity mistake: When RoboCop and RoboCop 2 burst out of the window at the top of the OCP Tower, you can hear someone say the word 'sh*t' as the two hang onto the ledge of the building. No-one else is up there.


Visible crew/equipment: When Cain and his gang are making their escape from the drug factory at the start, we can see a crew members hand very obviously poking out from behind the door frame, giving the actors their prompts when to go.

Continuity mistake: When Robocop's car gets hit by the rocket at the start, it spins to a halt with all the doors closed. When we cut to the guy with the launcher, the car's in the background but the driver's door is now open.

Jon Sandys

Revealing mistake: When the mayor is sliding down the sewage drain, you can see some kind of a mat or something under him, probably to make him slide better.

Revealing mistake: When Robocop finds Hob shot and dying in the back of the truck there are close-ups of Hob lying on piles of the drug money. In one shot the $50 bill on the top of a stack of bills is lifted at the corner and you can see that the bill under it is blank paper.


Deliberate mistake: When Robocain tries to use his chaingun on Robocop and it isn't armed, he snatches the remote unit from the OCP psychiatrist. If you look carefully, the remote unit changes from real to animated as soon as he grabs it.

Continuity mistake: When RoboCop is at the Nuke hideout, he looks around the various artifacts that the gang have stolen. One of them is the skeleton of Elvis in a glass coffin. When we see the coffin from RoboCop's POV, (he is standing to the right of the coffin), there is a picture of the real Elvis to the left of Elvis's skull. When we cut to a wide shot of the room, RoboCop is still standing to the right of the coffin, but the picture beside Elvis's head has moved to the right hand side of Elvis's skull. A guitar which is sitting beside the coffin is pointing inwards during the Robo POV shots, but in the wide shots, is pointing outwards.


Revealing mistake: During several of the scenes, when people are shot; some of the impacts are accompanied by blood splatter, others just look like squibs that weren't filled with blood.

Visible crew/equipment: At the start of the film, RoboCop is in his police car, and it gets hit with a rocket and it flips over, and then slides to a stop. It is quite obvious that RoboCop is not in the front of the car, and that a silver plate has been placed in the driver's seat to make it look like he is.



Continuity mistake: After Robocop is knocked to the ground, three motorcycles approach him. The last motorcycle, as it approaches, has its headlight off. However, when Robocop grabs the bike to stop it, the headlight is on.


Continuity mistake: After turning off the hydrant, Robocop is talking to the kids. As he does, a girl puts graffiti on his back, and sprays paint on his head. After they run off, you see very little color from the paint, then a moment later, the orange paint is totally visible.

Movie Nut

Revealing mistake: When the baseball coach is exchanging fire with Lewis, he reacts to a close impact. As he does, his arms brush his cap, and the makeup for the bullet wound on the upper left side of his forehead is revealed. When the fatal shot is fired, his cap is down in position again.

Movie Nut

Revealing mistake: When Robocop punches through the door at the nuke lab it appears that one thickness of the door was removed ahead of time. When the guy looks through the sliding peep-hole it's obvious that the door is thick. But especially after Robocop removes his arm you can see it is only single thickness and you only see the shiny inner of the door peeled inwards and none of the brown paint from the outside.

Continuity mistake: At the nuke lab bust scene, Robocop knocks on a door that appears to open inwards. However, when the guy approaches the door inside, it's a door that swings outwards.

Continuity mistake: Cain's extraction in the glass tube had green eyes. Earlier he appeared to have brown eyes.

Continuity mistake: During Cain's escape attempt RoboCop seizes someone's motorcycle. The motorcycle's lights vary between being on or off throughout the scene.

Continuity mistake: While Lewis is shooting the baseball coach, she makes two holes on the glass of the van but they disappear when Robo is holding the dead body.


Continuity mistake: When the girl is spraying graffiti on Robocop, the last mark on his head is a light dot. Yet a moment later when shooting at the smoker, it's a bright orange line.

Movie Nut

RoboCop: Isn't the moon wonderful tonight?
Lewis: It's still daytime.
RoboCop: It's the thought that counts.
Lewis: Oh, Jesus! We're heading back to the station.

More quotes from Robocop 2

Trivia: When Robocop hosts the raid at the arcade, most of the game machines have advertisements for the Data East software company. Data East made the Robocop video games.

More trivia for Robocop 2

Question: If the creation of Robocop 2 called for a brain, then how come when they removed Kane's' brain from his skull did they also take the eyes?

Answer: Just so it would look creepy in the jar (or maybe they thought they were worth keeping, then decided against it). Notice when Robocop pulls Kane's brain out of the 'bot later, the eyes are no longer there.

Grumpy Scot

More questions & answers from Robocop 2

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