Best movie mistake pictures of 2018

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Continuity mistake: After the first shoot out, the thieves take the armored truck and drive off. The black sedan they have with them is driven behind them and is shot up pretty bad. As they exit the parking lot of the donuts shop, the red covers on the tail lights are missing/falling off. But both tail lights are seen on. A few shots later it's driving behind the truck and now it's left tail light is out with only the right one on. Then as a shot from in front of the truck pans past them the car drives by and you can see it's left tail light is not only on, but intact and has the red cover on it once more. Yet then as the car is pulling into the garage of the hide out, both tail lights are now shot out. (00:06:05 - 00:07:15)

Quantom X

More Den of Thieves mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: The day after the robbery, Jacob is in his kitchen watching the news when his wife asks how he is. He says he's okay, he things and has his hand on his chin. In the next shot just before she continues talking, suddenly his hand is down. (00:23:15)

Quantom X

More Reprisal mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Nice draws a line in the asphalt of the secret passage (cool idea, although there's no way that the bad guys can actually see that especially at a distance!). In the first overhead shot, there's a gap in the line. When the line is shown again next with the first baddie croaking before it, the line has already changed. (01:15:45)


More Hotel Artemis mistake pictures

Tag (2018)

Continuity mistake: Sable is with a counselor discussing if his wife is cheating on him, and he has his hand resting against the side of his face. When the counselor is writing down his comment about riding dicks, it cuts to a close up of him and then his hand is almost on top of his head. (00:15:15)

Quantom X

More Tag mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Right when the guards enter the home and the walls explode, Arthur swaps between having short curly hair to it being very long and straight.


More Aquaman mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Jason lunges at Batman with his knife, there is a pile of garbage by the wall where he lands. In the first shot the barrel by the garbage is wooden. But in the next shot it's suddenly a metal barrel/drum. It then changes back to a wooden barrel again. (00:04:20)

Quantom X

More Batman: Gotham by Gaslight mistake pictures

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