Best drama movie mistake pictures of 1985

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Continuity mistake: When Samuel looks at the handgun in the drawer, the gun is vertical in closeup, but the grip is tilted left when Samuel reaches for it. (00:46:20)


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Continuity mistake: When Vernon is looking in the basement files and Carl walks in, the card in the drawer label holder is tilted and it stays this way for a few shots. When Vernon claims it's a highly sensitive area, the card is now straight, but in the shot after that it is tilted again.

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More The Return of the Living Dead mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: After the train operator gets his head dunked in the toilet by Warden Rankin, the poor guy has to wipe his face with tissue. The tissue disappears and reappears between shots. (01:17:13)

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Ran (1985)

Continuity mistake: When the two traitors ride away after seeing Hidetora at the top of the hill, Hidetora's left leg is exposed due to his kimono being blown by the wind. In the next shot of Hidetora, his left leg is suddenly covered. (01:41:15)

Casual Person

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