Best movie quotes of 1975

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Movie Quote Quiz
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest picture

McMurphy: What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin'? Well you're not! You're not! You're no crazier than the average asshole out walkin' around on the streets, and that's it.

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French Connection II picture

Jimmy Doyle: Jack Daniel's.
French Barkeeper: Jacques qui?
Jimmy Doyle: Jackie, yeah, Jackie Daniel's.
French Barkeeper:?
Jimmy Doyle: Scotch, right there, El Scotcho.
French Barkeeper: Whisky?
Jimmy Doyle: Here we go.
French Barkeeper: Avec glace? (With ice?).
Jimmy Doyle: Yeah, in a glass.

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Mitchell picture

Mitchell: She'll lie in my bed for nothin'.

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Against a Crooked Sky picture

Russian: You know, I had a boy like you once. He was as ugly as dirt... took after his ma. I ended up having to slit his throat.

More Against a Crooked Sky quotes
The Giant Spider Invasion picture

Sheriff Jeff Jones: I used to take physics, but I find prunes do a better job for me.

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