
Corrected entry: Why would Laurie consider that it was someone else as Michael when he's just crashed through her door and pursued her through the sanitarium. Plus even if she did take off the mask she wouldn't know what Michael looks like anyway.

cameron davies

Correction: In the very first "Halloween" film there is a scene where Michael stalks Laurie out of the bedroom and narrowly misses her with the knife. Laurie manages to remove his mask and can see his face. Add some burns to this (the ending of "Halloween 2"), and she would have a picture of what he looks like. As to why she wants to make sure: she has already killed one innocent person whom she thought was Michael, and the shock of that was enough to send her to a mental institution. It is not a situation she would want repeated, even if it was a "copycat" chasing her.


Correction: This is consistent with the rest of the Halloween-series. Michael has always had this ability, so to give the audience (and the other characters) the best fright. This is VERY intentional from the film makers, since a scary movie without surprises would be... well, just a movie.


Corrected entry: When the police learned that the Michael Myers beheaded in H20 was actually a paramedic, why didn't they put out an APB (All-Points Bulletin) to begin a manhunt for his capture? A serial killer of his stature on the loose would garner a massive investigation as well as a wide-spread search, possibly involving FBI and SWAT members.

Correction: It is consistant with the rest of the movies that Michael always manages to hide out between Halloweens (which are the only nights he comes out to kill), despite being hunted by the law. He is simply that good at going underground.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Michael kills Charlie after the camera is on the ground you see the shot of the stairs. The front door is located right behind the camera angle but is unseen. When Michael is dragging Charlie's body you see Charlie's arm leaving the view of the camera as if he was dragging him out the front door, because his arm was going straight down. Towards the end of the movie Sarah is in the attic and see's Charlie's dead body. How did Charlie get in the attic if he was dragged out the front door?

Correction: Throughout the series, Michael has had the ability to move corpses and arrange them so that they would give his next victims a scare, without anyone noticing. He is seldom seen doing this, to give the best possible effect to the audience.


Corrected entry: After Michael kills Laurie, he hands the knife to the patient with the clown mask. In the hospital with a bunch of crazy people, wouldn't the doors be locked? Yet Michael just walks right in...

Correction: Not all mental institutions have locked doors. In fact, only patients who are considered dangerous to themselves or others are locked up as a rule. The guy with the clown mask was considered harmless, and therefore was in an "open" wing of the hospital.


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