
28th Jul 2004

Smallville (2001)

Prodigal - S2-E15

Corrected entry: At the beginning, Lucas holds another man in front of him to stop a hail of bullets. A human body won't stop most gunfire, certainly not from the submachine guns the thugs were using. (00:02:25)


Correction: The fact that bullets have been lodged in the body of gunshot victims in real life goes to show this is not a mistake. Given also that bullets going through a human body would be deflected or slowed to the point it won't penetrate another body further prove this is not a mistake. The character just got lucky, but it's not improbable.


28th Jun 2004

Smallville (2001)

Kinetic - S1-E13

Corrected entry: Chloe discovers that the thieves are using kryptonite tattoos to Accelerate their metabolism to hyperspeed, allowing them to reach through the space between atoms in solid objects. That's fine, but this acceleration wouldn't be consciously controlled. The thieves might be able to move through any solid objects, but they certainly wouldn't be able to pick anything up or wear clothes just because they wanted to. The metabolism shift would only affect their living cells, not adjacent nonliving ones. (00:32:35)


Correction: Chloe doesn't "discover" this, she theorizes. Obviously, she was mistaken.

JC Fernandez

25th Jun 2004

Smallville (2001)

Shimmer - S1-E10

Corrected entry: Clark realizes that Amy stole Lex's watch when he sees her wearing it. He and Lex then search Amy's room with her mother and find the watch. Amy wears the watch as a token of her obsession and would not take it off lightly, even if she had returned home and left again. (00:31:45 - 00:32:50)


Correction: This is your opinion on a character decision. We do not know why she took it off, but she did.


24th Jun 2004

Smallville (2001)

Leech - S1-E12

Corrected entry: In this episode, as Clark and his parents are first discussing his new weaknesses, the school bus stops directly in front of his farm. In every other episode, Clark, Pete, and Chloe have to walk together quite a distance to reach the bus stop where they all get on. (00:06:10)


Correction: Not true- in the pilot you can see the bus stop outside Clark's house, then drive off.

21st Jun 2004

Smallville (2001)

Hothead - S1-E3

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the episode, Whitney says that Coach Walt's next game will be his two hundredth win. Later, while talking to the principal, Walt says that he has "been leading this team to victory for twenty-five years." Two hundred wins in twenty-five years is only eight wins per year, not really an impressive record. (00:02:25 - 00:16:50)


Correction: Eight wins per year would be a winning season every year for 25 years since most high schools only play 10 to 12 games per year. I think that's impressive.

21st Jun 2004

Smallville (2001)

X-Ray - S1-E4

Corrected entry: Clark's X-Ray vision reveals that the cemetery is rather oddly set up. There are a dozen headstones visible but only four buried coffins, and three of them don't line up with any headstone. Two of the coffins contain complete skeletons, but the other two are either empty or lead. While the occupants could have decomposed entirely, they are directly next to the younger corpses; usually cemeteries fill in one area and then proceed to another, segregating graves by age. (00:39:45)


Correction: Cemetaries SELL plots a section at the time, but they don't fill them till the people that buy them actually get around to dying so you will frequently have series of graves belonging to the same family that only have one or two graves "occupied" but may have headstones (with no death date) for some or all of the empty ones.

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