
Question: How is Emma sitting on the horse and cart when she is lighter than air? I have watched the movie a few times and cannot see anything like a belt around her waist, but any other time she is sitting, she has been seen buckled down.


Chosen answer: At several points throughout the film, there are instances where her powers of air are used only as a plot device, so the extent of her powers is somewhat unknown. Therefore, it is possible she is able to make herself sit on the cart without floating, but other times isn't.

Amina Thommesen-Kähler

Answer: This is a movie mistake because when she's at dinner, she has to wear a buckle to hold her down. And I don't see why she wouldn't be wearing one on the carriage too.

12th Jul 2016

X-Men 3 (2006)

Question: Near the start of the movie, we see a young Angel cutting off his wings when his father walks in on him and says "Oh God, not you too." I was just wondering, does his father has something against mutants?


Chosen answer: He was ashamed that his son was a mutant, especially given his status in the business community. Warren Worthington Jr. (Angel's father) was the one who, through his company, created the mutant cure 10 years later. In the comics, he also supported the mutant registration act.


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