
7th Nov 2002

Halloween 4 (1988)

Corrected entry: How can Jamie have nightmares about her uncle if she never met him, for that matter never seen him in his Halloween outfit?

Correction: This is not a plot hole. In fact, this idea is integral to the plot of this overlooked horror movie. Jaime and Michael Myers are have a psychic link. This is how he finds her. This is how he is ever even aware of her.

Correction: Not only the psychic link applies, though. Michael's exploits are legendary in the town, and Jamie may have seen pictures of him in the newspaper or on television. The kids at school that tease her at one point refer to her uncle as the Boogeyman and may have described him to her, so her knowing what he looks like is plausible.


19th Jun 2008

Halloween 4 (1988)

Corrected entry: When Loomis and the sheriff are surrounded by the teens dressed like Michael Myers, Sheriff Meeker say's "If I catch you it's a weekend in jail" indicating that it's a Friday. Halloween was actually on a Monday in 1988.

Correction: Doesn't necessarily indicate it was a Friday. He was dealing with teens and they go to school throughout the week. He has the ability to choose to put them in jail over the weekend so they could go to classes or even make arrangements with employers if they have part time jobs. Also, missing out on a weekend would be very upsetting to a teen. It kind of works like Saturday detention. Barring that, it could simply be an empty threat to put some fear into them. He is the sheriff, so he could make any threat he wanted to to get them to behave.


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