Charles Fraser

Question: Is "Captain Antilles" (the officer whom Senator Organa orders to wipe C3PO's memory) the character "Wedge Antilles" in the original trilogy, or is he Wedge's father?

Answer: He's definitely not Wedge and most likely not his father. According to George Lucas "Antilles" is like the "Smith" of the Star Wars universe, it's very common. The interesting this is that in A New Hope C-3P0 says that his last master was Captain Antilles. This is most likely the man that we saw. He is also captain of the same model ship as the one that C-3P0 and R2-D2 escape from in A New Hope. It's probably the same ship, the Tantive IV.

Charles Fraser

Question: When Rudy says 'This ain't right, why is all of his stuff still here?', what does he exactly mean by that?

Answer: I believe that Rudy was wondering why the posessions of a serial killer were still in the abandoned house that he grew up in. I believe he was questioning the authenticity of the items and suspected that they had been placed there for him and the others to find to make the show more interesting for the viewers. You'd think that his possesions would be examined by Dr. Loomis and maybe kept in an evidence locker or something. They did seem to give some insight into his mental problems. It's possible that A) They were fake and were placed there by Freddy, B) They were real and were placed there by Freddy, C) They were real and Michael "liberated" them from wherever they were being kept, or D) They were really just left there by the Myers family.

Charles Fraser

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