
30th Jun 2003

Down by Law (1986)

Continuity mistake: When the three protagonists come to the hut in the swamps, Bob's shirt is first tucked in in the back and hanging loose in front. When they step up the porch it is tucked in in front and loose in the back. Finally, when they enter the house, it's again tucked in in the back and loose in the front. (01:08:50)


30th Jun 2003

Down by Law (1986)

Continuity mistake: On the run through the swamps Zack and Jack leave Bob behind because he can't swim. When Zack comes back a minute later to help Bob through the water he doesn't come from where he went before. (01:05:00)


30th Jun 2003

Down by Law (1986)

Continuity mistake: During their escape the three protagonists have to wade through a canal. A few moments later their clothes are dry again. (01:02:15)


30th Jun 2003

Down by Law (1986)

Continuity mistake: When Jack and his girlfriend talk in his room she is lying on the bed, her head rested against a metal frame. In a different angle, seen from behind, the frame is gone and her head is on the pillow. Later it's on the frame again. (00:11:50)


30th Jun 2003

Down by Law (1986)

Continuity mistake: When Laurette and Zack have a fight she throws his records around. First some whole records are lying on the floor, later they are broken and at different spots. Also some records on the bed disappear or change their places. (00:07:15)


30th Jun 2003

Anna and the King (1999)

30th Jun 2003

Anna and the King (1999)

Continuity mistake: On the boat trip Anna's parting has a little twist in front. When she gets off the boat her parting is straight. (00:42:05)


30th Jun 2003

Anna and the King (1999)

Continuity mistake: When the king's daughter dies her head falls back into her father's arm. When the camera shows the king's face one sees a bit of the girl's still upright head. (01:14:20)


30th Jun 2003

Anna and the King (1999)

30th Jun 2003

Anna and the King (1999)

Continuity mistake: When Anna and the king meet on the beach at night her long open hair is red. For the rest of the film it's ash blonde. (01:20:00)


30th Jun 2003

Anna and the King (1999)

Continuity mistake: Lustig's murderer enters the subway car through the connecting door. After the stabbing he runs back and tries to leave through an exit next to this door. However, in the previous shots Lustig and Finn were standing right at that exit, which means that the stabbing shot was taken at a different spot than where the two protagonists were shown before, i.e. it was taken farther away from the connecting door. (01:33:30)


Continuity mistake: When Lustig comes to Finn's appartment he reveals his identity by replaying the scene in the water, when they first met. Right next to Finn's head you see a decorative mobile with vigorously swinging birds. In all other shots the mobile is completely motionless and in quite a distance from the spot where this conversation takes place. (01:25:00)


Continuity mistake: When the drunken Finn is shouting in front of Mrs. Dinsmoor's NY house he is holding a full liquor bottle in the left hand, then he empties it out, holding in his right hand, and finally he throws away a miraculously refilled bottle with his left hand again. (01:18:40)


Continuity mistake: When Finn runs to Ping's restaurant to meet Estella he is almost hit by a car. You can see that all other cars, which are scattered along the road, aren't moving. (01:08:20)


Continuity mistake: In most shots in the hotel room the houses you can see through the windows are quite far away, like across a wide street. Only in one shot, when Estella stands nude in front of the window, there is suddenly a window only a few meters away, through which one can see an Indian woman with her daughter, surprisingly unaware of the naked Estella. (00:54:00)


Continuity mistake: When Estella gets dressed after being painted in the hotel room, she doesn't put her bra back on. On the other hand, when she puts on her sexy panties she pulls it over another pair of long black underpants that she didn't wear when she came. (00:55:15)


Continuity mistake: When Finn grabs a painting board to frantically start painting the nude Estella there is no paper clipped on. A few shots later there is paper, which should have been visible also from the perspective of the earlier shot. (00:54:00)


Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the scene when Estella comes to Finn's hotel room some strands of her hair, which were hanging in front of her face, get tucked behind her ears, while she is sitting on the bed with her hands down. (00:52:10)


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